story starts of short one

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we see our Lincoln half inkoctoling and human in middle of people in smg4 castle look at Lincoln with worries

Sonic, Lincoln we understand you anger-

Lincoln and brothers:

everyone is sacred of Lincoln say that

Lincoln, I take my leave now

Anne, you not going way linky

meggy, she say right don't us do this please

Lincoln,(Bryson what should I do)

I'm he soul

Bryson,(run away and find new base)

Lincoln looks at them

Luz, Linky please

Lincoln, tear coming down on cheek and girls look at Lincoln with sad Tari goes to him and let out of her hand

Tari, you not alone

momo, walk to him also let's out her hand

momo, you can be hero

everyone join in they say

everyone, you not alone this one Lincoln/linky/senapi

Lincoln look at them with tried bag eye he let out he hand and almost grab Tari but pass out she grab him pull him closer to her

tari, we not let's you be alone again

in Lincoln mind

Bryson, I told you go find other new base brother

Lincoln, I know but I can't run away forever they keep finding us while he cry

Bryson and fleetway anit venom anti carnage raw fatal error 404 terment blue error exe slayer majin pain look at Lincoln goes up to him they hug him

Bryson, we respect your decision but if they betray your kill them okay

Lincoln, I don't think will say with smile while crying

end project

I hope you like it

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