chapter 5 past

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Lincoln was still standing there while girls wait for he answers

Marie, well what you gonna pick while still hold he shoulder

Lincoln, can I sill hangout with my brother if I pick you

callie, of course~

Lincoln, (I tell my brother about damn it) what is your demands

pearl, well you can hangout with your brother but is a small catch

Lincoln, what is it

pearl, well you can't hangout like 247 you have like hour 1 with him then back right to us

Lincoln, what if I still have s-

marina, if you have school no need we can see sent to new school

Lincoln, wait one more question

shiver, what is it

Lincoln looks at them

Lincoln, old are you girls

shiver, well...

Lincoln, don't lie to me this serious question because I don't you look like that not 18 like you girls taller than me and my bro while drinks

shiver, we not 18 we are 30 and 20


Marie, is something wrong

Lincoln, yea there is im 18 don't think people look at me then you girls while hangout with you?

girls look at Lincoln

pearl, so we don't care about people gonna say as long with you after all we care about is you~

Lincoln put down his drinks and clap hand together point up going down point at them

Lincoln, you need Jesus

Marie goes to Lincoln neck hold it close to he ear

Marie, you better watch your mouth before I squeeze you neck until you can't breath this is warning

Lincoln, okay I'm sorry it just that this gonna be weird for me

Marie lets go of he neck and goes to girls

Frye, and one more thing if you tell brother we are not gonna be happy so be good boy for us we give you six warning for you okay~

Lincoln, of course I be good

Marie, okay good now coming on we gonna get you new clothes~

she grab him by of hand

minutes 17 later

he wear

he wear

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