chapter 8

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We can see saiko room girls was up and look at Lincoln with sadness

meggy, hope he okay

Anne, what is happening with you linky while rub he head

Luz, I got idea but-

Amity, what is it

luz, if I goes to he head see past and why he act like this

they look at Lincoln and back Luz

skara, do it

Luz move her arm touch Lincoln head and she did she use her magic see what happens when she did see what he been through she was crying and shocked she let's go of Lincoln head

Eda, what happened?

luz, he been so pain he lost he brothers while he fight a powerful villain he lost arm but he keeps on fighting and heros bury him while he was alive he scamming call us or someone help him oh dear God

girls look at Lincoln with sadnesses and saiko rub he head

Tari, he alone and hero bury him alive he was right they are not heroes

Lilith, they are villains

meanwhile with Lincoln mind

Bryson, brother

Lincoln, yeah

deku, what happened out there

Lincoln, there was a demon girl

Bryson, what kind

Lincoln, blue hair and girl look like sonic

Bryson, it them

Lincoln, you know them

Bryson, know them they enemy to me and y/n they try kill us but they stop for somewhat reason probably of-

y/n, of you point at Lincoln

Lincoln, me but why me

we and brothers look at Lincoln with not surprised

deku, really you cinnamon roll or another word you nice kinda you useful and help people out problems you fix it be you make us super hero suits you are you protect friends and you brothers

fleetway, you badass brother

fatal 404, you are bravery brother

exe Slayer, you got light and hope

blue error, you hate and fear

raw, you don't give up you keep going pushing

terment, you got this

majin pain, if you get hurt you ways keep don't run away you keep on fighting

anti venom, you got plan

anti carnage, and we follow plan

Lincoln goes to us and hug us he look at us

brothers, you got this never give up

Lincoln, I won't failure you brothers

we smile at Lincoln and he smile back to us and he Wake up he look at girls

Lincoln, good mor-

luz hug him

Lincoln, Luz are okay

luz, I'm sorry we didn't be there for you

Lincoln, I know you went mind

luz was surprised

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