what if Lincoln was Oct weapon and in Splatoon 2 and 3 part 1

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We can Lincoln in tube and put robot part on him and they was done

robot part

metal legs

metal tube on skin

jets boost on he back

helmet shade


green stripes

pink mix purple

that it

Octavio, 618

618, what is my bidding

Octavio, I need you to fix my beat and when I call you you come

618, yes Sir

after agent 4 defeat Octavio 618 or Lincoln he look her and agents and marie look at Lincoln with surprised

Marie, who is he

Octavio, that 618 is he inkling but now inkoctoling weapon

girls hear about this they look at Octavio with hate and he stands there's not move

Octavio, 618 hel-

he flys away from scene and Octavio was leaves him

Octavio, hey what doing get back you-

agent 4, okay that enough out you

they put him snow globe and they old agent 3 and Captain cuttlefish see they find out 618

goes to Splatoon 2 Octo expansion dlc

agent 8 fight with old agent 3 and while we can with Lincoln look at telephone

telephone, who are you

Lincoln, I'm name is 618 I'm here make offering

telephone, what is that

Lincoln, I'm here Tell that you plan gonna fail they have potential and they will stop you

telephone, are you-

Lincoln, no I'm not with them I'm alone

telephone, they will not stop this-

Lincoln walk away in shadow make him next move

after agent 8 defeat telephone and save Old agent 3 they see Lincoln grab machine apart and sanitized he look at them

Pearl, who is he

marina, he try take that we had stop him before he-

he flys off with stuff he got and Octavio ship and wait final plan

back with pearl and marina they went see agents

pearl, who's was that

Callie, who what

pearl, we seen a robot or something

Marie hear about that she run at Pearl and marina

Marie, he was green and pink mix purple

marina, um yes..

Marie, it him that poor thing

Pearl, wait you know him

Marie, no but him point at Octavio with hate

marina goes to Octavio

marina, it explains now

Octavio explain anything did to 618 and she look at Octavio

marina, what is name

Octavio, he name is Lincoln the inkling

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