Valentine's chapter short story

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we can see girls run at Lincoln

Lincoln, AHHHHH Until anything is stop

Lincoln, that's me now you probably wondering how I got into this well I thought was be my normal day but I was wrong


Lincoln was wake up and he open it he see living room with heart

Lincoln, wow you guys are set up something while he make coffee

SMG4, well it Valentine's Day

Lincoln hear that stop he doing turn around and look at boys

Lincoln, say that again I didn't hear you Right

SMG4, it is Valentine's Day...

Lincoln looks at he phone today is 14 and he look back at boys

Mario, hey are y-

he run at widow and break it and running away faster

Luigi, what was that

girls Walk in

meggy, did anybody see Linky while they hold Valentine's Day cards

SMG4, (oh so that why ) n-

Mario, he throw himself out widows and started running

girls look at widows and they followed him

end flashback

Lincoln, so Now you know how I'm get out this well that is keep running anything is start moving again

meggy, you can't keep running

Lincoln, yes I can

pearl, no ca-

Lincoln, IM FASTER THAN YOU GIRLS AHHHHH he break sound barrier and they look at road and Tari yell


back with Lincoln in Japan

Lincoln, didn't I Lost them he turn around see saiko and Tari that is no

saiko, you can't running away from your destiny senpai~

Lincoln, my destiny is not with you girls on this year I keep running until day is over

suddenly portal open we see Luz with other girls

luz, then we play this game until we take you

all wisps come out and look at Lincoln and he pull out hand they join him

all final color

all final color

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wisp Lincoln:

he was flying away and goes to space and turn around see Earth

wisp Lincoln, heh try get me now I stay up then..what he see blue light what is that he realizes that is Anne


wisp Lincoln, I'm not save in space

Anne get Lincoln but Lincoln went back to earth and land SMG4 castle lincoln and he run up he room and locked and he wisps unfures with him and go back to Lincoln body and he look at door and go he bed

Lincoln, maybe I stay here

Amity, are you sure about that while open door for girls

Lincoln, HEYYYY while he back to Wall

they Walk to him slowly

Lincoln, now listen we can talk about this you know I make some tea let's get it he was run but he stop female ink sans

ink sans, hello there my little one while she go to Lincoln slow

Lincoln, fine you winning I be you Valentine's Okay I'm sorry

girls, yes

they take him to do anything for Valentine's Day

I know you are alone for Valentine's Day but you won't alone you had friends and family that all matters so I hope you have a good day

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