love sickness part 1

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we see in turf war see Callie and Marie with pearl they are blue while enemy team was Orange try take control of tower Callie goes to Tower while inkling got there first

inkling, mine

he hear sniper charges and he got shot by Marie while Callie shot at Tower and enemy team jump up come down point at dualie squelchers and she see enemy octoling but then see dream about Lincoln but Marina splat enemy octoling and while other girls have acted like this also after match girl's grab random boy

meanwhile with Lincoln in Chao garden

Lincoln aww look at them so cuite

chao goes to Lincoln and he look at Chao

Lincoln, I pick up buddy you soon cuite

chao, Chao say with smile

Lincoln,  sooo adorable with smile and he see other Chao try get fruit up in tree

Lincoln, don't buddy I got it he hit tree and fruit drop grab it and give to Chao was Happy and he rub he head while Chao eat suddenly he phone started to ring he pick it up

Lincoln, howdy friend

green, hey man I need to you come like right now this is minor situation

Lincoln, okay I be there faster than I can

green, thanks

Lincoln, hold on someone else is call me

Lincoln see who is and it was axol he press call

Lincoln, hey axol what is it

axol, hey can you come to Castle it about girls

Lincoln, yea green ask to come plazas take girls there

axol, got it we see you there

Lincoln put he phone away and look at he Chao

Lincoln, come on boys it time say goodbye to you friends with smile on he face

they say goodbye and went back to Lincoln body and he leaves chao garden he run faster and he made it to inkopolis walk to green and axol

Lincoln, what happened

green/axol, that/this while they points at girls hold same random boy

Marie, we love you linky

random inkling boy, that not my name

green, they is called everyone Linky or Pink hair one call them senpai

Lincoln, and this is my problem

suddenly doctor give Lincoln a paper and he grab and look at doctor

doctor, hope is Lost he walk away

Lincoln paper and it he was shocked and see doctor bill it was 799.99 and say it diagnosis: dumb and nothing wrong and pay me back for this West my time

Lincoln brothers:


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