Lincoln first Christmas

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can we everyone is in SMG4 castle they are SMG4 crew and Splatoon girls and female sanses and  creepypasta sonic friends my hero academia and Anne friend and Luz friends lonna and Charlie vaggie Friday night  funk girls and five nights fina's sonic count everybody is here but there is one person in is Miss in Christmas party's that is Lincoln

sonic, where is Lincoln

Sally, I don't know mecha sonic

Mecha Sonic, I don't know he didn't tell us so yeah but I can tell you where is hide spot is

girls look at mecha sonic

Anne, tell us where find him

Mecha Sonic Tell them where Lincoln hides spot and girls find Lincoln

meanwhile with Lincoln

he on roof top of skyscraper see moon shine on him and girls found him

meggy, hey linky

Lincoln turn around see girls

Lincoln, how did find me

saiko, well little bird told us where hide spot

Lincoln, Mecha Sonic

girls, mecha sonic

Lincoln sight and continued look at moon

Anne, come on Linky it Christmas we had party's and they waited for you

Lincoln, I pass

Marie, oooh come don't act like that put smile on your face while she two fingers on Lincoln face and make smile

Lincoln, leave my face alone with annoy tone

Callie, why be grumpy come on we surprised for you say with smile

Lincoln, I say I pass and what special about this Christmas

marina, well a lot of stuff like building snowman and open gifts and cookies decorations Gingerbread houses

Lincoln looks at girls with serious looking and sigh

Lincoln, seems this Christmas is West time after all

shiver, no it not it more than that it spend some time the one who cares about most you friends and family

Lincoln, I had no family not anymore

they was silence after he said that

Frye, oh...oh.. you mean you brothers

shiver hits on her back of head and she look at shiver

shiver, you make worse say with whisper

Frye, I'm sorry I don't know what to do say with whisper also

Luz, look lincoln we sorry she didn't mean-

Lincoln, no it fine it okay really while he look down

girls look at moon and look back at Lincoln

Tari, hey Linky was brothers and what like have them

Lincoln, was surprised to me had brothers and they treat me like own brother and we work team together I was plan Bryson is tank go loud deku is sneaky person he takes down while we on mission y/n was leadership we was happy family while hide in shadow form heros i cook for them and plan next move they say are proud of me that word make feel happy but when is Christmas Bryson decorate around house and y/n play Christmas song while deku was Cook Christmas food I guess we all sing together I don't know what it mean so i keep to myself they love it

Belle, heh well they love it and it was nice to have them you brothers

Lincoln, it was but now long time ago

pearl, to bad I think they love it I think you had great sing voice oh wait you do

Lincoln looks at them back moon

Lincoln, you know I think they love here come out shadow don't worry about hero get us it be perfect

Sasha, I think they fit right in

Lincoln, yeah maybe

neo 3, look linky we know don't believe it but you had family and I think they missed you well I guess we go now we see you get castle told them hi for you because we know how you feel party

Lincoln, wait

they stop and look at Lincoln with smile

Lincoln, I tell them myself

they Walk with Lincoln

Capitan, I glad you come Sally will not stop until you come

Lincoln, I know she thinks anything be perfect and night still young so I may be lucky

callie, and there grumpy boy again

Lincoln, grumpy boy really

she look at Lincoln with smile girls giggle and Lincoln smile little bit and Marie look at Lincoln

Marie, I see that smile

Lincoln, yeah yeah whatever you say makes you feel better

they got back to smg4 castle and everyone see Lincoln Sally Walk to him

Sally, there are you now everybody lets have party after that we open our gifts

they are party and eating food then they was open gifts girls was not see and everyone open presents one guy didn't open that is Lincoln

sonic, heya lincoln you got presents but it big

Lincoln, let's me see

He Walk in and see presents and was Big in room and look at sonic

sonic, I should leave have Lincoln and shut door and he look big presents had

Lincoln, man I would it was is maybe new weapon oh or new gear or better yet a fuck big gun ohh I can't yet he Walk big presents and rips rapper and  while everyone else turn up music
and Lincoln open box and it smokes come out and he see girls with bikini on with smile

girls, Merry Christmas Linky/senpai/dark king/angle/devil/pup/little bunny~


while they not listening to him and we hear him sarcasm

happy holidays and merry Christmas everyone who still reads this I thank you guys and means that because I feel bit down today but I keep do this I want see guys Happy and smile to this story you guys amazing I mean 100 to 900000 I had follow I got this is 13 to other account at is 29 together that is 42 following I surprised I thought you guys not like this story but keep pushing myself to make them I thank you got my blessings you guys are chan and didn't time make high school is keep on work and I feel tried get back home so thank you for very much and wait so me support you guys heroes see next time and want add me as friend my friends code is 1907-4887-6379 we play Splatoon 3 or Splatoon 2

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