what if Lincoln was in Splatoon 2 and 3 part 3

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we can see Lincoln in bed and he get up and take shower and put on clean clothes and make some breakfast and he was done he grab gear and he gun Walk at open and he see Callie

callie, hi Linky

Lincoln, oh hey Callie what you need

Callie, well I was thinking about you and I want to hangout with you

Lincoln, oh well meggy and desti want to hangout with them so maybe next time

callie, come on please we didn't see other all time remember that you promise me that you always be there for me and that you get some food back to our base and make some tea for us

Lincoln feel bad make promises and he put out phone and texts to meggy next time and she send to him on Sunday and he said okay and he put phone away and he look at Callie

Lincoln, okay Callie I hangout with you today

callie, yay she grab him by waste and hug rub he cheek with her cheek and he was blushing

Lincoln, okay I see you that you happy what you want to do

Callie, well I want do turf war with you while she put him down that okay with you say with smile

Lincoln, that okay let's go then

callie use roller and Lincoln use he gun and they went in rank match and it was rainmaker and he got and Callie got he back and he dunk it and they won and she look at Lincoln

Callie, we did it we won while she hug him and he blushes

Lincoln, yup we did please put me down

she put down and they went back to Lincoln home and he and he say bye to her and other way and tell marie her turn and she walk Lincoln door and knock on it and he answers it and open and he see marie with smile

Lincoln, let's me guess you want hangout with me

she nod at him and put out hand and she grab him and she walk with him

Lincoln, so want you to do

Marie, well we going to shop because I'm giving you new clothes

Lincoln, okay that is nice of you

Marie, you one be nice to us first and I'm gonna spoil you so much say with smile

Lincoln, you don't have to

Marie, I'm am with smile

they went in mall and look for clothes
and she found him Three and give to him and changing room and come out

they went in mall and look for clothes and she found him Three and give to him and changing room and come out

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Lincoln, huh I like this one so soft and warm and this cloak is so long I love it

Marie,(so cuite and adorable he loves it I'm buy it) try on this one she gives him and he went to charge and come out

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