𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Standing in the small shower, Angel stood there and just let the hot water rain over her, taking her precious time and not caring that 9 others we're waiting to get inside the bathroom. She had a habit of disassociating in any moment at any time and wouldn't even notice it, being that she'll be so deep in her thoughts. This was her third day at the camp, and she wondered what could possibly take place to brighten her mood. Almost everyone here had a grey cloud hovering over them, just bringing the energy down, and the ones who were trying to hide it only talked down on the others like they weren't all fighting similar battles.

She didn't know how much longer she could stay here with this type of energy in the air. It still felt like she was back at home. When was the fun and positive things going to start at the camp?

Breaking out of her trance like state, she continued to clean and wash her body before exiting the shower, not wanting the other girls to start complaining. After rubbing on some lotion and what not, she slipped into her dark denim shorts and a normal white tank top that hugged her just right. Looking in the mirror, she placed some of her hair into a half up ponytail while leaving the rest down, before applying her favorite lipgloss.

Two minutes later she opened the door to come out and saw one of the girls standing right outside the bathroom, holding her things "You could've took another ten minutes, it's not like we're all impatiently waiting." She sarcastically said, before walking ahead.

"Maybe I should've." Angel said before rolling her eyes. Going over to slip on her shoes, she didn't waste anymore time in this stuffed cabin.

Heading out, the warm sun rays hit her skin as she joined half the campers who were making their way to dining hall for breakfast. Walking up, one dude held the door open for her and only her, being that he made his way inside right after like their wasn't any more campers behind them.

"Thanks." Angel told him with a half smile.

"No problem, just trying to be nice to your gorgeous ass." He told her with a flirtatious grin, walking right beside her though she wasn't paying him any mind. He wasn't the first dude trying to get at her since they got to camp, and it was becoming a bit tiring. Some we're just trying way too hard.

Getting in line with the others, she decided to settle with french toast sticks and a fruit cup on the side for the morning. Swiftly grabbing a bottle of lemonade, she walked towards the middle of the dining hall to figure out where she wanted to sit. Her eyes bouncing in different directions, the table in the nearest corner was calling her name.

"Ain't got nowhere to sit?" She heard a voice behind her, seeing it was the same one who held the door open for her.

"Ummm, the three empty table's say otherwise." She joked, causing him to chuckle softly.

"Why you always wanna be a cold fish?" He suddenly asked and Angel furrowed her brows at his words "I know you get bored just sitting off in a corner by yourself. Just come and sit with everybody else, we chillin." He nodded in a different direction.

Angel's eyes peered over and saw about six other people sitting at the table, just eating and conversing lowly being that it was early as hell "Fine." She gave in and began to follow him over, hesitantly. She wasn't a shy girl at all, matter fact she was far from it, but that didn't mean she always wanted to be surrounded by a group of people and getting attention. Sometimes she just preferred to be left alone.

"Hey girl." Angel heard a familiar voice say, and looked down to see her bunkmate, Skai sitting at the table with a smile. Being that the two sat next to each other on the bus and conversed, then ended up in the same cabin and bunk, Skai thought they were the bests of friends now. Angel didn't really mind though, it's not like the girl was annoying or anything, she was just a friendly person and Angel needed that here.

𝐋𝐢𝐦𝐛𝐨 | A. Haughton x D. SwingWhere stories live. Discover now