𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

334 22 19

Angel eye's repeatedly glanced towards the entrance of the dining hall, as she sat there at a empty table like she usually does for breakfast. Watching as campers came in and out to eat, she still hasn't seen sight of Dominique this entire morning. She didn't want it to seem like she was stalking him or anything, but she wondered what he could possibly doing right now. He was never that far behind her when coming in for breakfast, and she's been sitting here for almost fifteen minutes.

"Where is he?" She asked under her breath, as she continued slowly eating her oatmeal. Maybe he just wasn't that hungry today.

Her loneliness was soon interrupted when the same guy that invited her to breakfast yesterday morning took a seat, along with his annoying sidekick. Basically crowding around her, they began to dig in their food while the dude who longed for her attention started up a conversation.

"I thought you was past sitting alone." He suddenly said with a playful smirk.

Not even responding right away, she continued to play with her food for a second, wishing she had different company here other than these two "Well sometimes I like sitting by myself, especially in the mornings." She admitted, not bothering to give him eye contact.

"What? You got a problem with us sitting here with you?" He questioned though that's basically what she just alluded to.

Glancing between the two, her brows furrowed at his sidekick who scarfed his food down like a wild animal who hadn't eaten in weeks. Some of it falling from his mouth and all. This is not what she wanted to be seeing while trying to enjoy her food in the morning. The sight was close to making her lose her appetite anyway.

"I'm not trying to come off rude or anything, but I'm just not in the mood for company right now." She told them straight up, knowing sooner or later they were gonna start up with their morning shenanigans like they usually would. What could be worst is two more of their buddies coming over to join the party, being as loud and obnoxious as they pleased.

He sighed to himself "Damn, I was just trying to see how you was doing this morning. I didn't think it was a crime to come and check up on you. It ain't like nobody else here take it upon themselves to do that anyway." He stated like he was going above and beyond for her. He was wrong though, because she had more than enough people come up and try to check on her, both men and women.

Angel knew he just wanted her attention though, so he would try to make his presence be known every hour of the day now.

"Actually, I have a decent amount of campers coming up trying to converse with me, more than you think. I appreciate the generosity, but today I just wanted to be alone." She told him and watched as his slick smile faded away.

His sidekick only shook his head, thinking the weird attitude she was giving him and his boy was unwarranted "Why it bother you so much to have some damn human interaction?" He asked but in a snarky manner.

She shot him a glare but his friend stepped in before she could go off "Chill bro."

"I'm just saying bro, she just as weird as the other nigga we be seeing around here." He blurted out like she wasn't sitting directly across from him.

"Fuck you, because you don't even know me to be calling me weird!" Angel defended herself, standing from the table while rolling her eyes. This is exactly why she doesn't like dealing with people, especially ones who invade her personal space just to act like an asshole.

Dumping her trash, she turned on her heels ready to head out, but the dude was coming to stop her "Can you shut the fuck up for two seconds." He told his sidekick with a straight face, before running up behind Angel to gently grab her wrist "Wait hold up, I'm sorry about him."

𝐋𝐢𝐦𝐛𝐨 | A. Haughton x D. SwingWhere stories live. Discover now