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"HEY EVERYONE, im Jimmy Fallon and today we have a special guest, Ivory Chalamet!"

"Hi Jimmy!" Ivory spoke enthusiastically and waving at the audience. "How are you?" Jimmy asked.
"I'm pretty good, how are you?"

"Thats good, i'm good. So theres been some rumors going around saying that you were going to be in a upcoming movie, is there anything you can tell us?" Jimmy asked Ivory. "Well, the rumors are true," Ivory started, the audience starting clapping and screaming, "but at the moment, we can't say much about it. I can speak very little about my character though" Ivory finished.

"Okay, but before we do that, is there any friends of yours that will be in it?"

"Yes, actually, Azalea will be in it, our characters are actualy best friends which I find funny cause me and her are super close too" When Ivory said Azalea's name the crowd went even louder. "So back to the matter at hand, what is it about?"

"Okay, so, it takes place in the future. Like 2050 I think. And everything goes wrong. People are going crazy and no one knows how to fix it. Theres these two girls who haven't been on the internet. Strict parenting. Their parents always told them electronics will make you guys into zombies and now they're living it" The younger chalamet explains.

"Wow. Have you guys met the other castmates yet?" The host asked. "Not at the momment, but probably very soon"

"I want to ask two more questions before we do a game, are you down for that?" He asked. "Yeah go ahead"

"I know theres some people out there who struggle with finding how to realize who cone out about this, but how did you figure out you liked girls, and how did you build up the courage to tell people?"

"It was hard, i'm not gonna lie. I have friends and you get into that mindset that if you like girls, they won't like you anymore and think you're weird or not normal. And right now it's so hard to be able to be open and have the confidence because of the way that people are nowadays. But i would look at a boy and go 'oh yeah hes cute i'd date him' but then i'd look at a girl and it's like 'marry me' and at first I was confused.

I thought this was weird and not normal. But I told my family and they supported me which gave me the confidence to tell my friends and other family members. Telling everyone else was a honest mistake. Not that I regret it, it was just something that slipped out and then just didn't care that I said it because they were going to know eventually,

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