୨ৎ | spiraling

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have you ever had that moment when your listening to music, staring off into space, reminiscing about the past? it could be about some random, sunny sunday or the song reminding you of something that happened before.

sometimes they can be good things, sometimes they can be bad things. things you'd rather keep in the past. something you wouldn't want to remember anymore, but have a hard time forgetting it.

that seems to be today's issue with ivory. staring off into space, listening to music and thinking about the past. all the good and bad things that happened. she can't help but feel like every since she got into acting at such a young age, everything has been going in a spiral.

people only wanted to be her friend so they can brag, people wanted to date her to brag, or people didn't like her. it's like you can never win.

you're a good too shoes if you play it safe so much or you're canceled just because you did or didn't do one small simple thing. everything you do, you're being watched by paparazzi. anything you say will be reposted by millions of people.

cancel culture.

gotta love it.

anyone, anything.

'uh oh! someone's getting canceled for breathing too loud in a video they posted! let's cancel them!'

it's so stupid.

there's times where ivory would just ignore everyone. go offline for about a good couple of months then randomly appear. that's like living in fear. in fear of knowing if you do something you could get canceled and become problematic. which you never want.

these are thoughts that ivory can't help but think about. normally which is why she tries to keep herself busy with something. her thinking can get bad. she can start to overthink and then she'll just sit there over thinking everything she did to the way she took a breath in second grade.

being known and in the public eye sucks.

being known and in the public eye sucks

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fearless , annaka fourneret Where stories live. Discover now