୨ৎ | suprise

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ivory had an interveiw to get to. she was told the interview was going to take around an hour or two. it's been a couple weeks since kaidens birthday and ivory and annaka had been busy during that time and havent had much time to see eachother besides calls.

after her interview she and annakas mom were going to suprise her. once it was over she was going to be dropped off at her house to change before anna's mom comes to pick her up.

the interview ended up lating a little bit longer than expected so they had to rush. ivory changed to a pair of baggy jeans, graphic tee and a red jacket. she threw on her converses and waited for anna's mom.

a knock sounded on her front door. she yelled telling her family she'll be back later. she ran outside and into the car.

"hi ivory!" she greeted her back before talking about the plan.

if annaka was still sleeping, she was going to go in her room and wake her up and stay with her even if she falls back asleep.

and so they did just that.

annas mom was recording so ivory can have the video.

"she looks so peaceful i dont wanna wake her"

ivory walked towards her bed, sitting on it and turning slightly so she was facing the girl. she knew annaka wasn't a super light sleeper, but she also doesn't like being woken up without reason.

she tapped her on her arm. annaka made a noise and turned over facing the other way. "anna, wake up"

this went on for about five more minutes before she actually woke up. anna rubbed her eyes while leaning on one of her arms. when she finally finished she focused on ehst wad happening.

"ivory?" she said confused, tilting her head. "hi anna" ivory brought out her arms in a hug like manner so anna could hug her. "hi baby" she whispered to the girl in her arms.

"hi angel"

after the whole suprise thing, annala eventually fell back asleep and ivory slept with her. this time anna woke up before ivory so she decided to poke her to get her to wake up.


"why not?"

"go back to sleep" ivory said barely even awake. "mom made us lunch since we slept through breakfast" anna tried to bribe her with food. ivory opened one eye and cause annaka to laugh.

"come on! then we can lay back down"

"you never lay down after you eat"

"fine then we can cuddle"

i really was not in the mood for posting a chapter for the past couple days. MY BAD I LOVE YALL THO!!!!

anyways. yall i had a bio test friday and i dont have my grade in yet but im scared bc i have a D+ in honors bio like NO i NEED a C or above.

i lied to my spanish teacher and told her my hw was done and it wasnt. its still not done

fearless , annaka fourneret Where stories live. Discover now