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"hi, im Ivory Chalamet and im here with Wired to do the Wired Autocomplete Interveiw" ivory gave a thumbs up.

"okay, first one 'How tall is Ivory Chalamet?' i genuinely dont remember but im eyeballing it so maybe 5'1 or 2. im gonna ask my mom hold on"

ivory took her phone out a texted her mom before getting ready to do the next one. "alright 'Is Ivory Chalamet homeschooled?' no, i actually would hate to be homeschooled. but i go to the building unfortunately but im there with azalea and kaiden so.."

"um next. 'Is Ivory Chalamet Single?' um this is like a hard question.. i think she'd get mad if i say yes, so no..?" ivory laughed awkwardly. "moving on from that 'Is Ivory Chalamet a Swiftie?' YES i love taylor. i actually went to the Eras Tour and watched the movie. I had so much fun and met some fans!"

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