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on the last morning of the kaidens birthday disney trip, ivory woke up with bad cramps. she could barley even get up. her friends got her medicine, water, and a heating pad. she felt bad because they told her that she'd have to stay in until she feels better. she tried to argue against what they were saying but in the end, they won. she didnt have the energy she keep arguing.

since they left, she has been trying to get comfortable and sleep but she couldn't. the pain wouldn't let her sleep and since she was laying on her back, it was very uncomfortable.

there were times in the day when she would just randomly burst out crying from pain or feeling nauseous. at some point she pain got too bad that she had no energy and was knocked out.

but then got rudely woken up by a phone ringing. it was hers but she was halfway asleep so she didn't realize.

she answered the phone without looking at the caller id.

"hello?" ivorya groggy voice said into the speaker. "angel? are you okay?" the fourneret girl asked. "lovely. why?"

ivory heard her girl laugh, "because your friends say otherwise"

"what did they say?" the chalamet girl asked. "they said that you woke up with bad cramps" she was told. "oh yeah i think im like delirious or something"

annaka laughed, "baby i dont think you're delirious, i think you're just tired. have you gotten any sleep?"

"well i was finally sleep but i haven't gotten much sleep. you would think crying would help" ivory said yawning.

"do you think you'll be better by the time you leave?"

"nah probably not. i dont know what time we're leaving" ivory informed the girl.

"do you know what will help you sleep? you really just need to sleep" annaka asked feeling bad for the girl. "being on the phone with you. dont hang up im almost sleep" ivory said, the end of her sentence fading.

"goodnight love"

fearless , annaka fourneret Where stories live. Discover now