୨ৎ | sibling day

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"timothee" ivorys voice sang. it was a bit early in the morning and why the girl had a lot of energy today was a question that hasn't been answered. maybe its because later she'll be super tired.

who knows.

but her being up early was fairly normal. timothee being up early was definitely not normal. he could sleep to the afternoon and no one would be confused.

so him being up early made her wonder. "ew why are you up early?" she asked

"because i had an alarm set? did you not hear it?" he answered inna 'duh' tone.

"well, if i did, i wouldn't have asked. anyways were doing something togethet today" ivory informed.

"what?" a confused timothee asked. "i said, we are going to do something today"

ivory could still notice his confusion. "we're gonna do a sibling bonding day so get ready"

"i think we should get something for eachother then after we do that go eat and then walk around?" her brother agreed and they went off to random stores in the mall.

timothee decided to go into this jewlery store. ever since they were young enough to put jewlery on, their parents has always gotten them matching jewlery. their parents say it helps keep their bond, helps them incase either one if nervous or anxious, and that they have the other one with them at all times.

it became like a sort of tradition. every once and while, they'll go to tue store and get another one. ring, necklace, bracelets. for a while now they have had a bracelet. but ivory lost hers in her room since she doesn't have much space in her jewlery box.

now, he decided it was time for a necklace.

her necklace would have his birthstone. his would have hers. he also decided to get her another jewelry box. not a big one but not a small one. and as a last minuet decision he chose to order her the 1989 taylors version cardigan. the reason he got it was because he knew she was gonna get it before the time ran out but he wanted to do it as an really early christmas present. except it was actually going to be a christmas gift.

for ivorys gift, it was kind of hard to get. she knew that he planned to getting them new jewelry since he mentioned it, so she couldn't get one of those.

she decided on a few rings for him and some cologne. it probably wasnt the best gift but its the thought that counts.

their meet up place was forever 21. though it was a lot of people around it since its near the food court but it got less crowded pretty quickly.

on her way to forever 21, she met a fan. she took a picture with them before going back on her journey to meet her brother.

"finally i thought you got lost" timothee said as they started walking. "a fan stopped me. she was so nice"

a few minuets if discussing what to eat, they decided on chinese.

once they ordered and finished eating they chose to go home and watch a movie.

"do you want to do gifts now or after?" ivory asked her brother. "we can now, im sure you'd probably fall asleep during the movie"

ivory went first. she gave him the rings and cologne. even though theu didnt plan on going anywhere else that night, he still put the rings on. he saved the cologne for the next time he goes somewhere.

timothee then handed her a bag. the bag was filled with the necklaces, jewlery box, and a note. she took the note out first.

i know you can be very impatient, but can you wait til christmas?

she looked up at him confused only to recieve a shrug. she put her hand in the bag finding a smaller bag. it was the necklaces. "these are so pretty" she hurried and put hers on as as she always did. putting on slash having  jewlery that meant a lot to her made her happy. lastly, was the newlery box. which she loved and deemed helpful for future jewlery.

they chose to put on a bunch of halloween movies starting off with the mightmare before christmas. she loved that movie. it was like her baby.

unfortunately for her brother one of the movies just so happend to be the halloween movie of the really loud house.

and you should've heard the sigh he did.

i know this is an annaka book but i wanted to show her relationship with her brother !!

edit - nov, 1st : can we ignore the fact that i had this ready 4 days ago.

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