Drunk nights

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I walked in his room and laid right on his bed. I am actually really happy to be back with my best friend. He sat on the edge. He reached under his bed and pulled out a bottle of something. "Nice" I said as he passed me the bottle. I took a few swigs and handed it to him and he did the same. 

"So how has life been?" He questioned. I hate talking about my life. I knew people were going to ask what I have been doing but I was dreading it. "It has been an experience. I tried some drugs, I met a dude who did piercings and tattoos. Juvie was okay. I only got into one fight with these girls but I won and no one messed with me after. People liked me and some people in there were hella cool" I explained. "You have a boyfriend?" He just questioned. "Oh no he was more of a friend with benefits. Now just a friend he has a boyfriend. He is also 19" I cleared up. His eyes widened. "How has been your life?" I questioned. 

He explained juvie It seems like he was some type of king. I am glad it was good to him. eventually we went outside with Lip and Caden and started smoking. 

I was just catching them up on my life and what happened. "Wait so you had sex with some 19 year old while you were 15?" My brother asked. "Were you even listening? How do you think I got all my tattoos or piercings for free?" I said like he was stupid. "So basically you just slept with him for free shit?" Lip questioned. I really think these dudes do not listen at all. "Pretty much but, I did believe for a while he did really love me but I seen him kissing a dude. He explained how I was amazing but he just always had an attraction to men and I was not the issue" I explained. 

I did really love Tyler. I think he just was confused for a good bit. "Tessa that is not normal" Caden spoke. "I mean he told me to hit him up any time I needed a new piece so I think it is fine" I said and everyone laughed.  

We walked back inside and we drank so much more. I was messing all my words up. I plopped on the couch and had my legs stretched out. I felt numb. I just love not feeling anything. I think it is a great feeling. 

All I knew was I was staying at Fionas and My mom and siblings left earlier and Debbie left as well. "Hey Tess!" Fiona walked to me. "Yess" I said holding the "s". "I am going to a friends house if you want to go sleep in my bed babe" She offered me. "yea I would lovee too" I spoke. "Hey Lip can you help Tess to my bed?" She questioned. "Yeah" he said. Then I seen him walking over to me. I smiled at him. 

"Come here crazy" Lip said as he picked me up bridal style. I started laughing. I seen his blurry smile. In no time we made it to Fiona's room. He laid me in the bed. He walked out without saying anything. I cuddled up to the pillow. It was nice and cool. 

"Here Tess. I got you a trash can, water, chips, and a teeshirt incase you get to cold" Lip spoke. That is so nice of him. "Thank you Lip a roo" I called him. I heard him laugh. "No issue Tessa a roo" He told me. I took my tank top off and put the tee shirt on. I stood up and took my sweat pants off. The shirt was big enough for me to just be in my undies. I laid back down. 

I was drifting to sleep mighty fast. It was just me and my thoughts that at the moment, did not make much sense. Then I heard someone call my name. "Tessa?" I opened my eyes. "Carl" I said lowly. He was standing there with a pillow. everything was blurry but he looked messed up as well. 

"Do you mind if I sleep in here? Liam is in my bed sleeping peacefully and I do not like his bed" Carl asked. I scooted over. "Yes" I said. He walked over and got in the bed. He lifted the blanket and I felt his leg rub mine. "You need to shave" was the first thing I said. I heard him chuckle. "I can say the same about you" He said while laughing. I gasped. 

"I shaved everything yesterday actually" I sassed back. "Everything?" he questioned. I heard him while drifting in and out. "Mhm" Was all I could get out. Slowly after I fell asleep. 

I woke up feeling someone arm on top of me. I looked over and seen it was Carl's. What the fuck happened? I can not remember anything after smoking on the porch. I was fully clothed. I was actually in a different shirt than I remember having on yesterday. I also had no pants on. What did I do? 

I gently slide from under carl but he woke anyways. He just looked at me with a smile. "Good morning" he spoke. "Good morning" I told him. I stood up and put my pants back on. He had a weird look on his face. 

"Why do you have no pants?" he asked. "I was wondering the same thing" I told him back. I looked around the room. He had no shirt on. "Did we have sex?" I busted the question. He started laughing. "Oh babe if we had sex you would always remember" He answered. I grabbed the water bottle and threw it at him while laughing. "Dick head!" I shouted quietly. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah!" I said and he ran and grabbed me and picked me up. 

"Put me down!" I said as he carried me downstairs. Lip and Fiona were sitting down at the table. "To answer your question for real, No" He said. "Good to know! Bye guys I need to head home and shower" I told them as I walked to the door. "Bye Tess!" They all yelled. 

I grabbed my phone off the tv stand and walked to my house. I went inside and took a shower and brushed my teeth. I ate some food and took my crazy people medicine. I have to take meds for all my mental illness. It helps some. I have better days or bad days. It just depends but it makes the bad days better. 

I think I am going to just spend the rest of my day chilling and relaxing. School is going to take the life out of me. 

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