Giving birth and seeing red

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I had some of the best sleep ever, The only issue was I heard yelling. I got up and ran downstairs. Colden was home! "hey bud!" I said calmly. "Hey sissy" He struggled. He looked bad and in pain. He was struggling to get comfortable in his wheelchair. 

 "Are you okay" I asked him. "yeah, I just hurt really bad" he said. "are you okay your face is bloody" he told me. "oh shit yeah I am I just got in a fight but that's beyond the point" I told him. "can you wheel me to the kitchen?" he asked me. "yes I got you" I told him .

I went up to my room and I fixed my self up. I had a bruise on my face. my knuckles were bruised. I put on some jeans and a zip up jacket with a crop top under. I left my hair down and hoped my hair could cover my bruise.

I went back down, and my mom was giving my brother his meds. " Hey mom" I said "hey baby I am so sorry we left out of no where but we all had to go because we had to get his car two hours away and he was at the hospital and we had to stay at a hotel there" my mom said. " It is okay I understand" I told her. "I called Fiona, she told me you were fine so I went on her words" my mom said. " Where is everyone else?" I asked her. "sleeping" she said.

" Okay I am going out I will be back soon I love you guys" I told them, and they said they loved me. I walked over to the Gallaghers. Bad idea.

I walked over and seen Liam. "hey little man" I told him "Tessie!" he said and ran and gave me a hug. " Where is everyone" I asked him. he pointed to the stairs, so I went up there. I walked up there and went to Carls room. I heard a weird noise. then the noise clicked. "gross" I said and walked away. someone was in the shower. I seen Ian's door opened.

"Ian can you tell carl to fuck quietly" I told him. " I wish he would" he said.

"what are you doing fireball" he asked me." I am talking to you" I said and climbed in his bed. " I have something you might want to see" he told me with a smirk. "what" I said smiling. "You will see soon" he told me.

"what happened to you face though?" he looked at me. I told him the whole story and he said he was beyond proud of me. Also how it was a stupid thing but he needed to be put in his place.

after a few minutes someone walked into the room. "Ian do you have -" "holy shit" I say. " Mandy?" "Tessa!"

we give each other a big hug. "Oh my God you are so grown now and so pretty" she told me. I had tears in my eyes. " You are so pretty and the hair I love it" I told her. they told me what happened last night and I felt so bad. I also told them what has been going on with me and they felt bad. I am so happy to see her again. I just grabbed her again and gave her another hug. "I am just glad you are okay" I told her. "Now I think you are the one I should be worried about!" She said and lightly hit my arm. 

I heard Carls bedroom door open. he walked in the room. "Could you maybe more quiet next time" Ian suggested to him. he laughed nervously.

"Who were you in there with anyways?" I asked and he looked behind him and then a girl came around the conner. It was Dom. "hi Tessa" she told me. I hope she knows we are not friends. I will be nice anyways " hey" I sneered back. 

"What happened to your face?" carl asked. "Basically I went to Jayden's house, He had this girl answered the door. I walked to his room he was naked and I beat him with the bat, Stole more money, Told him to fucking leave, Then found out the girl was in an abusive relationship with him and I kind of punched her and she punched me then I stole her and took to my house and cleaned her up" I explained. Dom looked worried. "I told you to stay here and not do anything" Carl spoke. I shrugged, "Do you really think I was going to listen?" 

"Gosh, I remember when you and Carl were little lover devils and you guys had sex for the first time and got caught. Now you are beating men up and saving women. I think I raised you some what right" Mandy told me as you poked my side. 

"Wait I thought you said you were a virgin?" Dom asked. Mandy's jaw dropped. Ian's face turned red, He looked like a fireball, and I had a smirk on my face. He started stuttering, "We, we were young and it wasn't even like sex it was .. kissing?" He sounded like he was trying to convince himself of that lie. 

She just nodded her head like she did not know what to believe. He just lied in her face. Ian looked at me because he knew I heard him lie. This has me thinking, does he lie about me all the time? then he pulled the card "no worries she is just a family friend". Now that sent me off the edge. Ian and Mandy both looked at him like what the fuck carl. . 

"Oh?" I started laughing. I stood up. "Yep we are just family friends!" I yelled as I walked downstairs. How can he just lie like that? Not even a month ago he was kissing me. Then he snuggled me. 

I went outside too smoke a cig that I stole from someone inside. Lip came home with a beer in his hand. "Hey Tess" "hey lip" " you still smoking?" "yeah, do you got another one of them" I asked as I pointed to the beer. "yeah in fridge" "okay I will be there in a  min"

Mandy come outside looking like she seen a ghost. she seen lip.

" You leaving?" I asked her. "yeah, I got to get back home" she told me. I stood up. "When will I see you again?' I asked her " hopefully I will see you doing something amazing in this world and I will hear your name ever where and not because you are a wanted criminal" she told me and I laughed. I gave her a hug. " you know I love you a lot little one" she told me. " I love you a lot more" I told her. She got in her jeep and rolled the window down. "Don't worry about Carl, He still want's you. I can read boys!" She laughed. I smiled. She started pulling away. "Stay smart baby I love you!" "I love you the most!"

I went inside and got me a beer and cracked it open. " Do you guys do not think it's a bit early for those?" Ian asked us. "nah" me and lip said to each other. my whole day went with me drinking a beer every once in a while, so by night I was feeling good now that I got some harder stuff. I was having a good time until carl came home with lip. He told me how he went with Doms's dad today and how he wanted to be a cop now. Then I heard someone yelling outside. "What the hell" I said and walked to the door.

" Debbie what are you doing here?" I yell at her "help me I am about to have my baby" she tells me. I grab her and we head inside. we laid her on the couch. "the baby is coming" v said.

They were trying to find someone to have the baby here. I mean I know some about delivering babies because that's what I want to do but I am no pro. they keep yelling about people " I can do it" I yelled. "You can?" they all asked. " yes just lay her on the table and I can do it" I told them. so that's what they did

she is laying on the table screaming. dear lord. " I need towels sheets something" I yell " got them" Fiona said. I put the towels down on the table best I could. v and Fiona were giving her breathing exercises to do. "gloves" I said, and lip gave me some. "Okay Debbie when I say push, I will need you to push hard okay?" I told her and she shook her head. they did some more breathing exercises, and I got my hands around the baby's head "push" I yelled. she screamed and everyone screamed with her, but I safely pulled the baby out. " Give me something to cut with " I said they gave me something and I cut the cord and wrapped the baby up. " awe" I said holding her baby and some tears fell out my eyes. this is the cutest thing I have ever been a part of.

I handed her the baby. "You did amazing debs" Fiona told her. " My daughter Shes so big, hi Francis" Debbie said. "Francis?" lip asked. " After her grandfather" she said. what.

"Frank?" Fiona asked. Debbie looked at me "thank you" she told me, and I gave her a big smile. she left in the ambulance and everyone followed behind her expect me. I went home.

I told my family everything I had just did. They were proud of me for being able to do that. I feel bad because Colden stayed and listened when I could clearly tell he would have much rather went to sleep. mom is making the guest room his room for now so it is easy for him to get to his stuff so he does not have to use the stairs.

I just recapped my whole week and wow. how can so much stuff happen so fast. how did I go from seeing a dead body then beating people up and then help give birth to one. My life is crazy.

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