Weed and a pinch of romance. (Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader)

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Y'all, it's my first time writing anything that isn't a C.ai bot or a school essay so go easy on my gayass 😩😭 (Also not proofread cause idgaf.)

You and Natalie have been friends for a while. Not a long one, but still a while.

The way you two met was.. rather questionable. It's not like you two met via the football team, or your neighborhood, or even being classmates. It all started like this;


You were invited to a random frat party by one of your classmates and what better thing to do at a party AND become rich fast? Sell weed and drugs!

See, you had the whole package. Literally, you had a dozen of packages of any contraband a wimpy highschool student with nothing better to do with life would want.

As you entered the house, it was already filled with horny teenagers wanting to rub it to some other horny teens. You quickly took a look around the room, the lights flashing and the music blasting at full volume. You were sure your ear drums were gonna start bleeding at any second so you immediately walked up the stairs.

Reaching the second floor, you almost tripped on a passed out guy on the floor. 'Ugly' you thought to yourself. You stepped over him and walking through the long hallway filled with talking, music and more disturbing sounds you found an empty corner which was quickly filled by a blonde and a dude talking in irritated tones.

You tried to lean closer so you could hear their words without actually looking like you wanted to eavesdrop, and you managed to listen to their words pretty clearly.

"Leave me alone, jackass! I said no already!" The blonde girl spoke, you already had an idea of what was happening based on what you heard those 5 seconds worth.

"Come on, babygirl! Let me have a go, i know you'll like it, you just have to let me lead!" The other dude slurred his words, clearly drunk and possible high. You hoped the latter wasn't correct, cause that would mean that you had business competition.

You saw him trying to touch and grope her, smirking while doing so. The girl was about 5'6 and the guy was way larger than her, probably 6'1-6'2 in your eyes.

It disgusted you, it angered you how that hooligan thought that he could do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted cause he knew he was intimidating. You felt sick to your stomach seeing him trying to force himself on the poor girl.

"Please, baby? Come on, woman!" His tone changed drastically. "I know you want me! Stop playing hard to ge-" His face suddenly paled, well i don't think 'suddenly' is the right word after you thought about kicking him in the groin for a while.

He fell to the floor, crouching in a fetal position holding his groin with his hands, hissing and crying in pain. You laughed to yourself then turned to the girl.

She stood, less scared now but still shaken. The bleached blonde glared daggers at the sobbing bastard on the floor, looking at him as if he was a piece of trash thrown on the floor of a luxurious, multi-million dollar piece of land.

You swear she got ready to spit on him, but changed her mind last second. Just then her gaze shifted to you. You felt like you were going to get yelled or insulted but instead, she spoke in a somewhat cheery tone.

"Wait, you sell weed, right?" The blonde smiled to herself.

"I mean, you've got the look.." She pointed at your not very good skills at hiding the illegals.

The small plastic bags' hiding place clearly didn't have any thoughts other than 'good enough'.

You quickly shoved the bag that was tipping out, threatening to fall deep in your pocket.

"Hey, i never said i didn't want any!" She pulled out two twenty dollar bills.

You discreetly pulled out one of the bags and handed it to her, she gave you one of the twenty dollar bills and you took it.

The blonde leaned in your ear, whispering;
"I'm Natalie. Also, your classmate."

She bit her lip, looking at you with her deep blue eyes. "Also, you looked hot during football try-outs."

She tried to sneak a bag but you quickly grabbed her wrist.

"Fine, you caught me. But you did look pretty se-"

One of her friends, a tall brunette that you assumed was named 'Lottie' called out, Natalie turning her head back at the familiar voice.

"You gonna come are you gonna stick and fool around with some assholes?" She asked, rhetorically.

"Comin'!" She yelled back at the girl, but before she left she whispered in your ear.

"The bathroom, 3-rd period, tomorrow." She winked and walked off.

(End of flashback)

You opened the door to your house, seeing as the blonde curiously walked in. Inspecting every inch, every nook and cranny for even the slightest appearance of dust. She sat down on your couch, not bothering to take off her boots.

"So? I came here to get high." She spoke snarkily, even though you both knew it was lighthearted banner.

She sat up again, like a toddler getting out of bed after pretending to be asleep, and practically sprinted towards your fridge.

"Oo, you rich. But not like Lottie, she's rich rich."

(Timeskip, 30 minutes)

You and Natalie are tripping balls right now, even though non of you have them. You guys are laughing, crying, whatever two idiots do when they're high. And as funny as it is, it's kind of romantic in your eyes.

Natalie grabbed you by the hips and sprung you from the couch, playing a random song on her walkman, raising the volume to the max so it could be heard without needing to put on the earpiece.

She started to sway you around, singing the lyrics half-and-half, mumbling through the parts she didn't know or remember.

Her smiling like an idiot was the cutest thing you'd ever seen.

Right as the song ended, you were about to pull away when she suddenly kissed you.

Oh, how much you'd imagined this moment. Right then and there, you remembered the amount of times you cried when you saw her and Wallmart Lil Huddie (Travis) being all buddy-buddy.

You kissed her back, wrapping your arms around her neck pulling her close and closer to you.

The kiss lasted a long time before the way of nature kicked in and your ran out of oxygen.

"Holy shit." She mumbled to herself, smiling like and idiot, In love.

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