H-E-Double hockey sticks. (Laura Lee x Fem!Reader)

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(I can't write Laura Lee for the life of me. And i don't know if i should just call her 'Laura' or 'Laura Lee'.)





Question no.1, How the fuck did you manage to fall for a christian girl who probably has the most religious parents ever who would never approve of girl on girl relationships?

Question no.2, Why the fuck did you manage to fall for a christian girl who probably has the most religious parents ever who would never approve of girl on girl relationships?

Question no.3, When the fuck did you manage to fall for a christian girl who probably has the most religious parents ever who would never approve of girl on girl relationships.

Question no.4, Where the fuck did you manage to fall for a christian girl who probably has the most religious parents ever who would never approve of girl on girl relationships.

To you, all of those questions are a load of the same bullcrap.

How? Well, you have no idea. She's always been nice to you and you have no idea how it really happened.

Why? She's beautiful, kind, never judges people, innocent (let's ignore THAT scene), smart, i mean. Who wouldn't fall for her?

When? If you didn't know how, how are you supposed to know when? It was probably a few years ago, when you met her in bible camp.

Honestly, pretty funny how during the time they were teaching you not to fall in love with the same sex, you did just that.

Where? Like i said, probably at bible camp. She was always so nice and it just made your heart pump 100x faster than usual.

You doubt she considers you something more than a friend, at the highest, probably best friend.

She was beautiful- Now you're just repeating words, but how couldn't you?

If Perfection and Sincerity had a child, she'd come out.

You only joined the Yellowjackets to be closer to her.

You weren't really great at soccer (football).

Which is why you're on the bench, staring at Laura Lee. Just so passionately gazing at her figure. Your eyes were glued to her person. Your eyes could never leave her. You were a fly caught in a fly trap. A bear caught in a bear trap. You were a mouse caught in a mouse trap .You were a fish caught on a fishing hook. She could look at you one time, and you'd be at your knees in an instant, no hesitation, no regrets, at the split second.

You always felt the need to look at her, it made you feel like if you looked away she could– Would disappear.

She was the goddess before your eyes. The specimen you'd yearned to see. Your Laura Lee.

(Y'all, my ear is bleeding wtf)

You loved her more than what you were capable of describing with mere words.

You loved her so much more. So, so much more.

Her soothing voice..

"Hey, Y/n! Do you think you can help with reaching my bag?"

You felt so needed whenever she asked you, and you specifically for help.

"Uhm, hello?"

You loved everything about her.

"Lottie? Uhm.. Y/n's not responding right now. What should i do..?" The blonde asked.

Oh. You weren't imagining her voice, were you?

"Hm? Y/n? Yeah, she's probably zoned out. Just snap your fingers in her face." Replied Natalie.

"Or you could choke her–" Taissa spoke before being cut off.

"She'd probably like it anyway." Van joked.

Oh yes you would.

"Hey, Y/n, are you okay?" She smiled, booping your nose.

Your eyes averted to her figure.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You looked away again, cheeks a bit flushed.

"Are you okay? Are you sick? Do you have a fever? You're super red.."

"I'm fine..!" You squeaked.

"But you're super hot right now..?"

"Oh really?" The ginger laughed.

You turned even redder.

"Ugh, I'm going to the bathroom."

You got up from the bench you were seated in, walking your way to the bathroom. As you swung the door open you moved in front of the mirror.

You stood still before turning on the faucet, letting the water run before putting your palms under the nose of the faucet and filling your hands with water, washing your face.

Feeling the cold water make contact with your sweaty face felt nice.

You heard footsteps, but due to the fact that there was water in your eyes and face, you ignored it. Hoping it was just someone passing by.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice called out.

You quickly dried out your face with a paper towel before looking at her.

"Oh, Laura Lee.." You waved awkwardly.

"Uhm, so, uh, um.. i.."

"Spit it out." You spoke. "Wait. Sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude."

"No, no, it's fine." She chuckled slightly.

"So uhm, what did you wanna tell me?"

"Look, i uhh.. Let me show you.."

She got closer, approaching you. Your two bodies almost pressed together. You felt her breath slowing down, her eyelashes batting. Her lips wearing a nervous pout. God, you wanted to kiss her badly.

Is it a good thing that she beat you to it?

You felt her warm breath mixing with yours. Her cheeks were hot and red. You could pass them as tomatos with slightly blurry vision.

She pulled away almost as quickly as she leaned in.

"Oh no.. Oh god no.. What if someone saw us? Oh no.. What can i tell my parents? Oh.." The blonde panicked.

"Calm down. And i doubt anyone saw us–"

"Oh god! I'm going to He-double hockey sticks!"



"Yes, exactly hell."


You laughed. "May the lord himself come and drag me down, cause I'm as painted in sin as a house."

"Cool.." Her eyes sparkled.

"So? Do you still care?"

"Yes, but not enough to care about where I'm spending the rest of my eternal life in."

"Good." You smiled, leaning and kissing her once more. Her arms wrapping around your neck.


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