Kinky Friday. (Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader)

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(Y'all. Idk what i'm writing right now bcs i'm just bored out of my mind and listening to late night drive home without a purpose. It's currently 03:48 at night when i started this.)

(Y'all, I'm sorry for not posting. I've got no other excuse than being not motivated. BUT i can say that i HAVE obtained an unhealthy obsession with Angela Giarratana from Starkid/Smosh.)

Ughh! You wish you knew what you wanted to do! It's so annoying when you can't decide on anything! Football? No, you do that all the time..

Golf? No, you're not a 50 year old caucasian man.

Cricket? No. Why the fuck did i think of Cricket? (Y'all i'm so sorry, i think i might be drunk after two sips of a 4% alcohol soda)

You wish you could just call up your stupid friend.

Incoming call from: pussyDestroyr69420
Swipe to accept the call
Tap the red fucking icon to not

Of course you accept.

(03:54 rn)

"Hey, dude. You wanna come with me today to hang out?" Natalie asks.

"Yeah, duh." You reply.

"I was thinking of going to a sexx store, not gonna lie."

"What." You stand mouth-agaped, flabbergasted.

"Don't those things need ID's?"

"I don't know, but if so, i got my boy hooked up with fakes." She laughs proudly.

"Are you being fr right now?"

"200% fr."

(I let out a cough i was holding)

"Aight bet then."

"Bet. I'mma come over in 20." She cheered.


It's (03:59 now)

Fuck. So now you have to change, drive around with a High Natalie, go to a sexx store with Natalie, and have people think you two are a couple.

(04:00 hooray. 2 more hours to survive fnaf)

Even when you come throughhh, i can tell that it isn't youuuuu (lyircs break, Hotel ugly is so goooood)

(Ngl, imma finish this tomorrow after i work out. C'ya homos)

(Okay, next day at 03:13 at night, we finna get to work today biatches 😈)

You get up from the comfort of your warm bed and blankets, sighing.

You walk to your closet and pick out an outfit (your choice bbg). You close the door before putting it on.

You walk over to your shoe rack to, of course, get your fucking shoes babes.

You put 'em on (Duh) and walk out.

Locking the door, you wait for Natalie's broke ass to pull up.

And pull up she does. You already know that she's wearing her usual emo leather jacket and black mascara look. (As always, and i eat it up everytime)

"You ready, fuckass?" She tries to sound badass, in reality trying to hold her laughter inside.


"Sure, perfect." She pulls you in her car. Okay, more like shoving your ass in there, but same thing.

You two decide (she decided 100%) to drive around before halting at the designated, pre-determined destination.

The goddamn sex toy store. Intimidating, right?

To you, yeah. But Natalie looked completely unaffected. It looked like another walk in the park, but holy shit was it the opposite.

(Natalie's P.O.V)

Holy shit. Just how did i get her to enter a fucking adult toy store with me?! I know I'm not that convincing, but okay.

If she's comfortable enough to trust me to literally come here, i'm proud of myself.

Act normal, just act normal.

"Do you like your dicks long or thick?" WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST ASK HER?!?

"Oh, uhm.. I'm not sure how to answer that?" OF COURSE YOU DON'T, IT'S SO STUPID!

"Right, yeah. I was joking. Of course." Did i save it? Please don't think I'm acting weird.

(Back to your P.O.V)

Is Natalie acting weird?

You can't tell, you don't know if it's because she's generally weird or what.

"I mean, it's like asking a girl 'how high do you like your vibrator's settings?'" She joked.

"..Okay." Weird. Weird ass comparison Nat.

Then, an employee approached you, thank god. It was getting awkward REALLL QUICK.

"Do you two need help finding anything? Are you two a couple? So, i presume?" She asked before continuing. "Could i check your ID's? You two just seem a little young is all. Please?"

Natalie handed over the fakes and after inspecting she seemed to buy it.

"We actually offer discounts for couples-" As she handed the ID's back, Natalie cut her off.

"We're a couple. 100%." She lied.

"Oh, well that's great! So, what are you two looking for? Something to spice things up in the bedroom?" The lady asked, somehow maintaining a straight face.

"Uhm.." Natalie stuttered.

"Yeah..! Yes!" You continued.

"Is there anything specific? Any specific kinks? Maybe bondage? Bdsm-" Natalie cut off the employee again.

"No, no it's fine. We're just looking for.." She looked around. "..For.. St-straps..? Yes, uhm those." She mumbled shyly.

"Okay, ma'am. It seems like you two have decided. Tell me when you're ready, i'll leave you two to be." The lady walked off.

Natalie let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Should we.. actually buy one? I mean, we're not dating, but.."

"I mean, we didn't come here for nothing. Might as well have something to show for it." You replied.

"You're right i guess."

"Also, i feel like it's my turn to weird you out with weird questions. What are some of your kinks?

"My kinks? Well.. Just anything i guess. Like the lady said, Bondage, Bdsm, mostly just that i guess."

"Oh, sick." You had nothing to say.

"Well uhm, we should just by the strap now, no?" She suggested.

"Right." You answered.

And buy the strap you did.

Sure, the drive back home was awkward, but at least now you know that your best friend is into bondage and possibly all sorts of foreplay.


"Bye." You literally ran inside, to nervous to keep talking.

What the fuck just happened?!

(Hi cutie :) thank you for reading this)

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