Fuck. (Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader)

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(I know i dissapeared off of the face of the earth for a while, buttt! In my defense period cramps. And they ruined my mood so much i kind of gave up on writing for a bit. Do not fret though, i am here!)


'Fuck, Natalie.. Shit.. Mngh..~ God.. God damn...!~' You moaned out loudly, panting.

'Mmm.. Calm down, brat. I know you're horny, but geez.. Am i seriously that hot to you?' She smirked, biting her lip as she eyed you down.

'You're a bi– Fuckkk! Faster..!~ Ngh..~ Gahhh... Mnfh..~' Your eyes shut tight as she sped up her fingers.

'If I'm a bitch darling, you're a whore.' She clicked her tongue before adding another finger.

'Ugh..~ Shit..!~ Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuckkk..!!!~ Yes! I'm your whoree!~ Mm..!' You practically shouted after you felt her fingers curl inside of you.

She was truly going ham on you, huh? Not like you're complaining or anything. You're gay. Why would you complain if a hot woman wanted to hook up?

'Natalie..! I'm about to–" Right as you were about to release..

(Warning ending.)


Your alarm rang.

You woke up in a haste, sweating. Also, very, very wet. Noticing your hands are where they should not be, you quickly pulled them out. Running to your bathroom to wash them.

As you stared at your bathroom mirror your mouth stood agape.

'Did i really just dream about my best friend fucking me?' You facepalmed.

'Oh god..' You internally said to yourself.

Is it wrong to fall for your best friend? Yeah, totally. Did you fall for your best friend? Well.. Yeah, totally. Should you have fallen for your best friend? No, totally not.

I mean, why did you even fall for her? No, more like you missed a step on the staircase and you rolled down the stairs with no chance to pick yourself up, and right as you were about to reach the end of the stairs, you got teleported into another pair of stairs in which the same thing happened except this time you didn't get teleported to another staircase, you got teleported to a long hill with rocks and trees which you hit and try to grab on but nothing works so in the end when you hit the ground after a while, all of your bones are broken and you die.

Okay, maybe you didn't just fall for her, but you get the point!

As you washed your face, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, you picked it up to see:

Incoming call.
Sender: pussyDestroyr69420.
Swipe to Accept.
Press to Decline.

You mentally rolled your eyes, still turning a bit red after remembering the wet dream you just had about her.

You ignored her call, but not long after, she started to spam your DM's.


Fav Druggie <333

Fav Druggie <333: hey

Fav Druggie <333: hey

Fav Druggie <333: hey

Fav Druggie <333: hey

Fav Druggie <333: hey

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