Hot and bothered. (Taissa Turner x Fem!Reader)

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(Not much to say, but i hope you're doing good.)

You and Taissa didn't get along very well, you never did.

And the fact that you've known her since childhood doesn't help with your confidence in trying to become friends with her, you'd be happy to be on speaking terms even! You don't know what you did to ignite this spark of rivalry, you really don't.

Maybe it's something you did as a child, that's fine. (Any guesses)

But holding onto a grudge for that long has not got to be healthy for a person's mentality. I honestly don't think so.

You wake up from the sound of your phone ringing.

You reluctantly roll out of bed, still half-asleep. Eyes quickly look at your phone, it isn't your alarm, since it's a day off from school but instead it's:

pussyDestroyr69420 is calling you.

Accept or Decline?

"Fuck off Nat.." You whine in irritation. "What the fuck does she even want..?"

You swipe your thumb across the green button, accepting the call.

Call accepted.

Through the other line you hear Natalie.

"Finally, you opened the goddamn call! When did you sleep!? It's 2 fucking PM?!"

"5 in the morning.." You yawn.

"Damn,–" She was about say in an apologetic tone but cut herself off. "–ugh, it's your fucking fault for sleeping so late–uhmm.. Early in the morning..?"

"Just shut up, what do you want?"

"I'm the goddamn pussyDestroyr69420, you listen to me!"

"Yeah, and i'm ballsdeep69, your point?"

"I'm bored and we have practice. Football practice? Remember idiot?" (Fuck off you soccer people 🖕)

You stood there with your mouth agape.

"What the fuck do you mean, Natalie?!"

"Football practice. Y'know? The thing we do every other day?"

"..." You stayed quiet on the end of your line.

"Idiot." She hung up on you.

FUCKKKK!!! You internally screamed at yourself, rushing yourself to the bathroom.

You turned on the sink to wake yourself up– FUCK, YOU PUT IT ON THE WRONG SETTING!

You look down to which side you turned the sink on, of course, the red one.

Now your face is on fire, great.

You quickly turned the sink to the cold side, you checked again hoping not to wreck it again.

Okay, blue.

You filled your hands with water and splashed it on your face.

Good, you're awake.

You then sprinted back into your room, getting your bag ready.

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