The Storm

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A/N I put this random scene here

"Look!" Rina shouted as they saw the canyon below them. "It's the Great Divide. The biggest canyon in the Earth Kingdom!

Katara looked at the massive expanse of cliffs and stones. "It's beautiful. I could stare at it forever."

"Eh," Sokka said. "Let's keep flying."

And they did.


The sky was red.

The Southern Air Temple was more packed than Aang had seen in a long time. Usually it was just children and monks, but this was a holy day. Every Air Nomad who'd come from the Southern Air Temple was standing outside the temple, watching the ball of fire trace it's way across the sky.

Monk Gyatso, who was like a father to Aang, stepped up with the other monks. "Watch closely," he said. "The Great Comet won't return for another hundred years. You will never see this again."

Everyone watched in awe as the Great Comet traced its way across the sky. Aang was glad he hadn't left.

He'd considered it. Ever since the monks told him he was the Avatar, everything had gotten harder. His old friends abandoned him. The intensity of his training increased. He'd seriously considered leaving.

But he hadn't left. And he was glad. The red sky was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

"As the Great Comet traces its arc over the sky," Monk Gyatso continued, "it blesses our brothers and sisters in the Fire Nation with its power. Fire Lord Sozin will lead his people to use their power for great deeds!"

There. Right there. Aang knew Monk Gyatso better than anyone, and that was why he caught the flicker of uncertainty across his mentor's face.

But he brushed it off. Why should he be uncertain? This was great. The Fire Nation was great. He wished that he could see how great their firebending was now.


Katara woke up with a start.

"What's happening?" Sokka asked groggily. "Did we get captured again?"

"It's nothing," she said. "I just had a bad dream. Go back to sleep."

Ever since that whole mess with Jet, she'd been getting bad dreams. Well, they weren't bad, not exactly. She felt happy in the dreams. Happy and safe. She always woke up before...well, she knew how the dream would end.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Sokka laid back down.

"Are you ok?" Rina asked. "Do you want to tell us about it?"

"I'm fine."

"Do you want to hear about my dream?" Sokka asked.

They both ignored him.

"That's ok. I didn't want to talk about it anyway."


"Look at this," Rina said cheerfully. "Clear blue skies! We'll have some smooth flying."

Katara checked their supply bag. "Well, we better smoothly fly our way over to the market, because we're out of food."

"Wait!" Sokka yelled. "We shouldn't go to the market!"

"Why not?"

"It was in my dream. Food eats people!"

Katara and Rina glanced at each other.

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