At Sea

193 6 12

Day 1

Jinora, Rohan, and Kyoha stood at the front of the ship on a platform Toph had metalbended. Incense sticks burned and Katara and her friends sat in the front row.

"I cannot be more proud of my niece," Jinora began. "This past century has been very difficult for our people, and yet Rina never gave up hope. Even when the world was at its darkest, she persevered. And for that, it is my greatest honor to count her among the masters."

Rina lifted her head, letting the hooded cloak fall down. Her hair had been shaved off to expose the blue arrow tattoo on her head and down her arms. She looked happier than Katara had seen her in a long time.

Jinora stepped back, letting Rohan and Kyoha pull their daughter into a hug.


Katara almost strangled Rina with her hug. "I know you're probably tired of hearing this, but I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks," Rina squeaked.

Toph punched her shoulder. "I knew you were special from the moment you first danced, Twinkle Toes."

"Yeah!" Sokka agreed. "I knew you were special from the moment you first destroyed my watchtower!"

Rina laughed. As soon as Zuko opened his mouth, she was off. "Hey, Seling, guess who's no longer the youngest master since Aunt Jinora?"

"Congratulations," Zuko called after her. "Spirits," he muttered.

Katara had to admit she laughed. "She can be a little annoying at first, but just think of her like a little sister."

"I wish you'd compared her to anyone else."

"So," Toph interrupted. "I didn't know Seling was a master."

"Yeah," Sokka said. "He's got the tattoos and everything."

"Seling has tattoos?"

"Right. Sorry. All airbending masters have them."

"Rina has tattoos? Wow, go Twinkle Toes!"


"Come on, Rina," Rohan said. "Now that you're a master, I'd like to show you some Pai Sho moves."

"Why?" Rina couldn't disguise her annoyance.

"Come on, it'll be fun. Not many still cling to the old ways, but those who do can always find a friend."


"So, Toph," Kai said as he and Toph stood to the side. "Do you know how to pick locks?"


"Come on, I'll show you."


"Your Princess Azula, clever and beautiful, disguised herself as the enemy and entered the Earth Kingdom capital! AND THE EARTH KINGDOM FELL! Azula's agents quickly overtook the entire city. They went to Ba Sing Se's great walls AND BROUGHT THEM DOWN!"

Dai Li agents slid down the wall, bringing it down.

"The armies of the Fire Nation surged through the wall and swarmed over Ba Sing Se, securing our victory!"

Pao ushered Jin into the tea shop and the two of them watched in horror as the army marched by. The last place safe from the Fire Nation had finally fallen.

Hope began to cry as rhinos passed, and Ying clutched her close to her chest. Than brought the two of them into a hug, tears in his eyes.

"Now the hero has returned! Your princess, AZULA!"

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