Sozin's Comet: The Phoenix King

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"More ferocious!" Zuko ordered.

Katara punched up some fire.

"Imagine striking through your enemy's heart!"

"I'm trying!" Really, you'd think he'd be easier on his girlfriend-if-we-win-the-war.

Alright that was a big if.

"I want to hear you roar like a tigerdillo!"


"That sounded pathetic! Druk could do better!" Druk opened his mouth and yawned, a massive burst of flame shooting out.

Katara refused to be one-upped by a baby dragon. She roared, and fire erupted from her mouth.

Zuko nodded in approval.


Rina ordered some takeout from the resteraunt, making sure her tattoos were covered, and then went to sit down. A man nudged her. "Hey, you seem like a good Pai Sho player."

Rina beamed. "I am, if I may say so myself." They sat down.

"The guest may make the first move."

Rina moved her white lotus tile to the center.

"Not many still favor the old ways."

"But those who do can always find a friend."

They played until their tiles formed a lotus, Rina's white lotus in the center. The man smiled. "I believe the game has gone to you." He slipped her an envelope. "Your winnings."

"Thank you," she said. She got her takeout and left the restaurant.

She looked around to make sure no one was looking and opened the envelope. She pulled out the piece of paper inside and opened it.

Rina gasped.


"Have we trained enough?" Katara asked. "I could go for some watermelon juice."

Zuko grabbed her dress collar, finally capturing the Avatar. "We're not leaving until we're finished."

"Yeah, and when's that?"

"When I say so."

"Aw, come on," Sokka said, drinking a glass of watermelon juice. Druk and Tikaani sipped from another glass. "Just take a break. What's the big deal?"

"Fine. Let's laze around like snail-sloths all day instead of training to defeat my father and save the world." Katara cheered and grabbed a glass of watermelon juice.

"You're right," Sokka said. "Resting in a beach house all day has made us pretty lazy. I know! Let's have a beach party!"


Sokka whooped as he dove into the water. Katara surfed across the waves on ice, cheering wildly as she went. Suki relaxed on her towel, smiling when she saw Sokka carrying an armful of seaweed. Then her expression turned quizzical as he started bringing buckets of sand and rocks.

Zuko made a sand angel as Katara placed a piece of wood onto the head of her Tikaani sculpture. "Check this out!"

"Not bad, Sugar Queen," said Toph. "But I've been working on my sandbending. You're going to love this." She stomped her foot and a crater of sand formed, a replica of Ba Sing Se inside.

Zuko examined it. "Not bad. You even added the Earth King and Bosco."

"Try and top that, Sokka!"

"Ta-da!" Sokka moved to reveal his sculpture, a large blob of sand with seaweed for hair, rocks and seashells for its eyes and smile, and a starfish for its nose.

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