The Airbending Scroll

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Katara had been feeling down ever since they left the Western Air Temple, and had been letting off stress by pacing around Sang's saddle.

"Will you stop that?" Sokka hissed. "If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off the saddle."

"I have less than one year to master all the elements," Katara hissed back. "I haven't even mastered water! And we're weeks away from the North Pole."

"If you want, I can teach you some airbending," Rina offered. "I'm not a master yet, but I've been training my whole life."

"You'd do that?" Katara asked.

Rina nodded.

They landed in a clearing. "What do I do?" Sokka asked.

"You can clean Sang's toes," Katara said. Sokka grumbled but left to get a branch, resigned to his fate.


Zuko was sparring with another crewmate when the ship heavily listed to starboard, knocking the combatants off balance.

Zuko stormed up to the bridge. "What is the meaning of this mutiny? No one told you to change course!"

"Actually, I did," Iroh corrected. The man was playing a game of Pai Sho with another crewman. "And I assure you, it's a matter of utmost importance."

"Does it have something to do with the Avatar?" Zuko asked skeptically.

"Something even more important." Iroh moved a piece on the Pai Sho board, frowning slightly. "It appears I've lost my lotus tile."

"Lotus tile?" Zuko asked, not quite comprehending what Iroh had said.

"For my Pai Sho game," Iroh explained. "Most people think the lotus tile is insignificant, but it is essential for the unusual strategy I employ."

"You changed our course for a stupid lotus tile?"

"See, you, like most people, underestimate its value. Just give me ten minutes to check the merchants at the port of call. Hopefully they'll have the lotus tile in stock and I can get on with my life."

Zuko took several deep breaths, but ultimately failed to contain his anger. He released a burst of flame from his mouth that scorched the ceiling before storming out of the room.

Iroh moved another piece. "I'm so lucky to have such an understanding nephew."


"There are different kinds of airbending specializations," Rina explained. "Later you can focus on the more spiritual aspects of airbending like Aunt Jinora, turn invisible and create illusions like Ruhi and Seling, and Dad knows how to block chi paths to temporarily remove bending. But for now, let's focus on the basics."

Katara watched Rina closely as she slowly moved her arms from her side to her chest, and then made a pushing motion. A small gust of air followed.

"This took me a few days to perfect," Rina said. "It's ok if you don't get it right away." She performed the move again. "The key is in starting with your hands parallel-"

Katara copied the motion and released a gust of air that blew the leaves off a tree. "Like that?"

"Yeah," Rina said glumly. "Exactly."

"It kind of reminds me of waterbending," Katara said. "How you have to shift your weight through the stances."

Rina frowned.

"Was I not supposed to?" Katara asked, concerned.

"No," Rina said. "I've always kept my weight balanced. Hang on, I'm going to try it your way." She repeated the move, and another poor tree lost its leaves.

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