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Aaradhya's POV:
(At prison)

I walked through the walls of prison that earlier scared me but not now because i meet frequently my best friend the 'Arjun Sahani' I don't know but there's an ache in my heart like I am doing something wrong.

I decided to ignore it and focused on what will gonna happen now? Am I i wrong?? Or arjun is right and kiaansh was telling the lie?

Arjun came outside the prison and we walked through a room where we can talk privately and yeah I have shanaya also with me. I decided to tell her everything as I didn't tell her about this plan beforehand.

She was shocked as how can I do this much thing but was also hurt how kiaansh has done something this cheap. She did know how arjun was going to jail but little did she don't know that who had planned the plotting against arjun.

I told  "Arjun our planned finally succeeded!!" and asked "But is there anything wrong or is there something that you are hiding from me?"

Arjun frowned and replied in a sweetly-tone "No aaradhya why would I hide something from you? You know right you are my first bestfriend. You and shanaya  are the only one who have been through my thick and thin." He said while seeing at shanaya and me.

I said "But arjun kiaansh was telling something like truth?"

He replied in slight angered tone "Aaradhya don't you trust me?? Why will I narrate a fake story to you?? Don't u believe me? Or do you also fall for his cheap love-trap. Don't u remember how he trapped me in his drug dealing case how he was taking drugs and—"

I cut him in between and replied with his same tone "Are you out of your mind Arjun? How can't I believe you? You are the one bestfriend who completes this trio (aaradhya-shanaya-arjun)."

I saw from the corner of my eyes that shanaya was doing or I can say watching on her phone. She was watching it like me and arjun are noone here and her video is the most interesting thing discussing here.

I told shanaya in irritation "What the heck are you watching?? Cant you see—"

She gave me her phone in my hand and i watched. It was a video playing. In that video there were arjun and kiaansh ; age around like 18 years, arjun containing some white powder later put in kiaansh's bag. It was break time . After sometimes the video started playing at kiaansh's home ; in that was shown how kiaansh found it and he was shocked.

The video started playing again like it was some next day and in that ; how kiaansh in angry tone scolded ,in between screamed, at arjun that how can he do that.

Arjun laughed liked a maniac and as the audio was on ; arjun told kiaansh how will he prove to anyone that arjun was taking drugs.

The video ended and i6 was shocked to core that how can arjun do that to me. I looked around saw arjun was freezed and shock and surprise were visible to his face. Shanaya was also surprise but was a small sad smile lingered on her face.

I stood up angrily while banging my fist on the table and raised my voice and asked to arjun "How can you do this to me Mr.Arjun Sahani!?" And don't you dare to lie to me this time. I saw how you stepped so low like a cheap."

Arjun stuttered and replied "See..Aaradhya...it...its not..lik..like what you s..see. Its a whol..whole..fa...fake..story."

I said in a no-nonsense tone "Just shut up! Anyways I don't feel like to talk to you. I had know you now. I mean I cant literally believe that my own best friend can this step this low." She replied with a tsk and decided to leave from there as she cant stand with the person who can't see anyone at high-post.

She and shanaya left from there,they can listened how arjun was screaming their name but they ignored it. They registered the video to the police and left from there.

A question was lingering in aaradhya's mind from long time. She asked shanaya "But shanaya how did you find this video in this much low time?"

Shanaya replied "Aaradhya let's go to the airport first and please let's drive fast. Ill tell you everything in the car but let's first go."

Aaradhya was dumbfounded and shocked as it's the first time that shanaya her told her to drive fast or its always aaradhya how can you drive this fast? Dont you know what if had an accident and blah-blah.

Aaradhya was asking but why? When shanaya dragged her towards the her car and opened the passanger door for aaradhya and shanaya would drive. As shanaya knows aaradhya wont stop asking questions and she(aaradhya) can't multitask (drive & ask).

They left for the airport and here aaradhya was feeling like something BAD gonna happen.



Will they have a bad ending for their story?
What is happening??
Why airport?
Lets see what's gonna happen .

Please shower all your lovee!!🫶🏻❤️
Im seeing that their are many views but not votes and comments!!😭

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