30. Kiaansh

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The bride removed her veil and it was Shanaya (according to our plan) not Aaradhya. Everyone there was shocked except me, Aaradhya and Arihaan's mom, dad. So what happened was,


Me and Aaradhya decided to tell this situation to Arihaan's mom and dad.
We explained everything to uncle and aunty (Arihaan's mom and dad) . They were shocked to hear this. Especially his mom, because she thought that Arihaan tells her each and every thing. Aunty sat down on a chair and was on the verge of crying, "I was going to destroy my son's life. What a terrible mother i am!!"

Aaradhya went towards her and said, "Aunty, it is not your fault. They think that they are doing right but they are not, they are just destroying their love life. But i just want to ask you and uncle one thing, ARE YOU BOTH OKAY WITH SHANAYA AND ARIHAAN'S MARRIAGE??"

They both looked at each other and uncle said, "We don't have any problem, beta. We anyways like Shanaya. And she will be our daughter."

Aaradhya went somewhere and returned with Shanaya after some minutes. Shanaya was surprised seeing Arihaan's parents here. Shanaya smiled at them

I said, "Shanaya, they know about the love between you and Arihaan and they are completely okay with you marrying Arihaan. Are you okay with marrying him??"

Shanaya looked at me and said, "Arihaan likes Aaradhya. It doesn't matter if i love him or not but I can't cheat him."

Aaradhya went towards her and held her hands and said, " I guarantee you that Arihaan doesn't like me. He is doing this marriage because he didn't want to upset his parents nothing else." Aunty and uncle both nodded.

Aaradhya said, " If you love him, you just have to wear my clothes and sit at the mandap."

Shanaya said, "But does Arihaan know about this??"

Aunty replied before Aaradhya could, "No, he will know after the marriage happens. It will be his punishment for not telling us earlier."

Shanaya nodded and went to get ready as a bride.
The rest is history.

Back to present :

Arihaan was looking at Shanaya and it looked like Shanaya exactly knew what he needed, a hug. It was a hug of comfort, a hug of satisfaction and a hug of LOVE.

But what happened next shook everyone.
Aaradhya's mother went towards her and gave her a tight slap.

Aaradhya's mother said, "We are ashamed of calling you our daughter. You didn't even think about your parents huhh."

Kaira (Aaradhya's Sister) said, "mumma please don't say anything to didu."

Aaradhya's mother said, " You killed my son and took my other daughter too. Keep her with you only. You both stay away from us and forget that you even had parents." And she left with Aaradhya's father.

Kaira was crying hugging Aaradhya and Aaradhya was consoling her on the verge of crying but she stood strong for Kaira.

Everyone was looking at them.
Aaradhya said, "Leave this shit guyyysss. Let's celebrate our love birds marriage. Come on everyone cheer up."

She went towards Arihaan and said, "Hiii. Arihaan Jiju." And everyone laughed. She seriously knows how to light up everyone's mood.

Everything went well. We completed all the rituals and went to Arihaan's house. Then everyone bid bye and went to their homes.

Next morning:
Arihaan messaged me to meet at some cafe for lunch. He and Shanaya wants to say something. And he informed that Aaradhya will be coming too. After yesterday, I don't know how she coped up with everything. It must be hard for her to console Kaira. And i definitely know that she would have not shared her feelings with anyone, not even Shanaya. She would have thought that she would spoil Shanaya's wedding night by her non stop and useless bickering.
I guess, I know a lot about her. More than needed.

I dressed up and reached the cafe. Shanaya, Arihaan and Aaradhya were already seating there.

I said, "sorry guyyysss I'm late but you know the traffic na. Hi, Shanaya or should i say Shanaya Bhabhi??"

Shanaya replied, "oh please, call me Shanaya only. Shanaya bhabhi sounds so cringe."

Arihaan said, "oh really baby??"

Shanaya said, "yess mr. Any problem??"
This guys would never stop fighting.

Aaradhya said, "Guyyysss stop it. You are now married. Stop fighting over silly things."

Arihaan said, "okay fine. Back to the main topic. Aaradhya, I want to apologise to you. Because of me, your parents insulted you."

Shanaya said, "I'm sorry too Aaru. I hurted you too. And also thank you to both of you for doing this for us. It really means a lot."

Aaradhya said, "Areyy, no problem guyyysss. Everything happens for a reason. Now they won't trouble me and Kaira. And also don't thank me if you think we are best friends. Instead as usual give me a treat."

Arihaan and Shanaya both agreed. We talked and had fun. That was it, and the rest of the day was like other days.


To be continued...
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