Worst Feeling

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The worst feeling is saying goodbye to someone

You want to spend every minute with,

Someone whose presence brings light

Into your life, whose laughter and embrace

Make everything seem right.

It's like a sinking feeling in your gut,

A heavy weight that drags you down,

An ache that lingers in your chest,

A sadness that wears a crown.

You know that you have to let go,

That you can't stay together forever,

That life pulls you in different directions,

And sometimes love is not enough to hold it together.

It's like trying to catch smoke,

Or hold onto water with your bare hands,

You can't keep something that wants to go,

You can't force someone to stay where they can't stand.

And so you say goodbye with tears in your eyes,

With a lump in your throat and a heavy heart,

Knowing that it's for the best, but still,

Wishing you could turn back time and start afresh.

You hug them tight and whisper promises,

That you'll keep in touch, that you'll never forget,

That someday, somehow, somewhere,

You'll find your way back to each other's arms and never regret.

But life has a way of taking you places,

That you never thought you'd go,

And sometimes it takes you away from people,

Whose love you cherish more than gold.

It's not that you forget them easily,

Or that you don't miss them every day,

It's just that life moves on and you have to keep pace,

You can't dwell on things that are no longer within your space.

And so you go on with your life,

With memories of good times shared,

With a heart that still beats with love,

For someone who once truly cared.

You mature and grow and learn,

From the experiences that life unfolds,

You realize that there is no such thing,

As forever, that everything is temporary and unfolds.

You treasure the moments you spent together,

The laughs, the tears, the hugs, the stories

You hold them close to your heart,

And take comfort in their glory.

For even if you don't see them anymore,

Or speak to them as often as before,

They're still a part of your journey,

A part of your soul forevermore.

And so you say goodbye with gratitude,

For the love that you shared, for the memories that you made,

For the times you laughed and cried and grew,

And the person you became along the way.

You know that life is unpredictable,

That anything can happen at any time,

And so you take each day as it comes,

Living your life, one moment at a time.

The worst feeling is saying goodbye to someone,

You want to spend every minute with,

But the best feeling is knowing that you'll always have,

A place in their heart, in their memories, in their myth.

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