Haunting Memory of Our Love

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My mind is so consumed of thoughts of you and me

And what could've been if you didn't leave, my love

The memories of us still linger and haunt me

Like the ghost of a love that never had enough

I remember the way your eyes shone with passion

And the warmth of your embrace, oh how it felt divine

Our love was like a beautiful symphony in motion

Playing the notes that only we could define

But then life happened and we were pulled apart

The cruel twist of fate that left me alone in the dark

The memories of us that used to heal my heart

Now provide only a painful ache that leaves a mark

The days stretch out before me like an endless sea

And I can't help but wonder if you ever think of me

Do you remember the moments we shared in perfect harmony?

Or have they faded away like a forgotten melody?

I remember the way you used to hold my hand

And whisper sweet nothings that made my heart skip a beat

We were so lost in love, we couldn't even understand

That the world was still turning beneath our feet

But now I am left with only memories to sustain

And the constant ache of a heart that still remains

I try to move on, to let go of the pain

But the haunting memory of our love, it still remains

I wonder if the stars still shine as bright for you

As they did when we were tangled up in each other's arms

Do they still tell the story of a love that was true?

Or have they moved on, like the world's ever-changing charms?

My mind is so consumed by thoughts of what could've been

If only we had held onto the love we shared

But now I am left with this endless pain within

And a heart that still longs for a love that's no longer there

In the quiet of the night when I am all alone

I hear the echoes of our love, so strong and bold

The memories of us that used to be our home

Now feel like a curse that just won't let me go

But still, I hold onto the hope that one day

Our love will find a way back to where it belongs

And the haunting memory of our love will fade away

Leaving only the beauty of a love that was once strong

I close my eyes and let my heart lead the way

To a future where our love can once again shine

And the memories of us will no longer haunt my days

As I hold onto the love that was always meant to be mine.

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