Sunday, 31st of December: Zhongli (Sally Nugent ft. Tartaglia)

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Zhongli and Tartaglia were in Liyue Harbor, preparing for Zhongli's birthday celebration. They had booked a table at the Wangshu Inn, where they planned to enjoy a feast of Liyue delicacies and wine. Zhongli was looking forward to spending some quality time with his friend and partner, who had been busy with his Fatui duties lately.

Tartaglia had a surprise for Zhongli, though. He had secretly invited Sally Nugent, a famous journalist and newsreader from another world, to join them for the occasion. He had met Sally during one of his missions in Teyvat, and they had become friends. He thought that Zhongli would appreciate meeting someone who shared his interest in history and culture.

Sally arrived at the Wangshu Inn, carrying a gift for Zhongli. She was greeted by Tartaglia, who introduced her to Zhongli.

"Zhongli, this is Sally Nugent. She's a friend of mine from another world. She's also a very talented journalist and newsreader. Sally, this is Zhongli. He's the reason why we're here today. He's also the former Geo Archon, Morax." Tartaglia said.

"Hello, Zhongli. It's a pleasure to meet you. Happy birthday to you!" Sally said, smiling warmly.

"Hello, Sally. Thank you for coming. I'm honored by your presence. I've seen you on the TV screens in Mondstadt. You have a very charming voice and a very professional demeanor." Zhongli said, bowing slightly.

"Thank you for your kind words. You're too generous. I'm just doing my job." Sally said, blushing slightly.

"Come on, let's go to our table. We have a lot to talk about." Tartaglia said, leading them to their reserved spot.

The three of them sat down at their table, overlooking the beautiful scenery of Liyue. They chatted about various topics, such as the recent events in Teyvat, the differences between their worlds, and their personal lives. Sally asked Zhongli about his past as the Geo Archon, Morax, and Zhongli shared some of his stories and wisdom. Tartaglia listened attentively, occasionally teasing Zhongli or making jokes. They laughed and enjoyed each other's company.

The food arrived, and they began to eat. They tasted dishes such as jade parcels, crystal shrimp, golden crab, and slow-cooked bamboo shoot soup. They complimented the chef and praised the flavors. They also drank some fine wine, which Zhongli had brought from his personal collection. They toasted to Zhongli's birthday and wished him happiness and health.

"Zhongli, this food is amazing. You have such good taste." Sally said.

"Thank you, Sally. I'm glad you like it. Liyue has a rich culinary culture that I'm proud of." Zhongli said.

"I can see why. Everything is so delicious and fresh." Sally said.

"Tartaglia, you're not eating much. Is something wrong?" Zhongli asked.

"No, no, nothing's wrong. I'm just saving some room for dessert." Tartaglia said.

"Dessert? What dessert?" Zhongli asked.

"You'll see soon enough." Tartaglia said, winking at him.

After they finished their meal, Tartaglia brought out a cake that he had ordered from Good Hunter. It was decorated with candles and a sign that said "Happy Birthday Zhongli". Tartaglia and Sally sang a birthday song for Zhongli, who smiled and thanked them. He blew out the candles and made a wish. He cut the cake and shared it with his guests.

"Zhongli, this cake is for you. I hope you like it." Tartaglia said.

"Thank you, Tartaglia. It looks wonderful." Zhongli said.

"It tastes even better." Sally said.

They ate the cake and savored its sweetness.

Sally gave Zhongli her gift, which was a book about the history of England. She explained that she had chosen it because she thought Zhongli would enjoy learning about another ancient civilization. She also said that she had written a dedication for him on the first page. Zhongli opened the book and read:

"To Zhongli,

Happy birthday to you! You are a remarkable person who has lived through many eras and witnessed many changes. You have a wealth of knowledge and experience that is invaluable to this world. You are also kind, generous, and humble, qualities that are rare and precious. I am honored to call you my friend.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed your stories. May you always find joy in learning new things and exploring new places. May you always have peace in your heart and love in your life.

Your friend,

Sally Nugent"

Zhongli was touched by Sally's words and thanked her sincerely. He hugged her gently and said that he was grateful for her friendship. He also said that he looked forward to reading her book and learning more about her world.

"Sally, this is a very thoughtful gift. I appreciate it very much. You are a very good friend." Zhongli said.

"Thank you, Zhongli. You're very welcome. You are a very good friend too." Sally said.

Tartaglia watched them with a smile on his face. He was happy that he had made Zhongli's birthday special and memorable. He felt a warm feeling in his chest, knowing that he had two wonderful people in his life who cared for him and whom he cared for.

He leaned over and kissed Zhongli on the cheek, whispering "Happy birthday, my love". Zhongli smiled back at him and kissed him on the lips, whispering "Thank you, my Childe". They held hands under the table and gazed into each other's eyes.

Sally smiled at them too, feeling happy for them. She thought that they were a perfect match, both strong and passionate, but also gentle and caring. She felt lucky to have met them and to have shared this moment with them.

They decided to stay at the Wangshu Inn for the night, since it was getting late. They rented three rooms next to each other and said good night to each other. They agreed to meet again in the morning for breakfast.

Zhongli and Tartaglia went to their room together, where they cuddled on the bed and exchanged sweet words and kisses. They expressed their love for each other and made love until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Sally went to her room alone, where she took a shower and changed into her pajamas. She picked up her phone and checked her messages. She saw that she had missed a call from BBC Breakfast, where she worked as a presenter. She wondered what they wanted from her and decided to call them back in the morning.

She put her phone on the nightstand and turned off the light. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. She thought about the day she had just spent with Zhongli and Tartaglia, and how much she had enjoyed it. She felt a warm glow in her heart, knowing that she had made new friends in a different world. She also felt a bit of curiosity, wondering what adventures awaited her in Teyvat.

She drifted off to sleep, dreaming of dragons and archons, of harbinger and heroes, of history and mystery, of love and friendship.

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