Wednesday, 14th of February, 2024: Beidou

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Sophie's Note: Okay, I might not be a fan of Beiguang, but I'd tell you this: this story will be the first ever to not have our presenters in the story. G'Luck!

Beidou's Birthday Surprise

Beidou was not a fan of Valentine's day. She thought it was a silly and commercialized holiday that had nothing to do with true love. She preferred to spend the day on her ship, the Alcor, with her loyal crew and a bottle of fine wine.

She had no idea that her friends had planned a surprise for her. They had secretly contacted Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, and asked her to arrange a special gift for Beidou. Ningguang agreed, partly because she admired Beidou's courage and spirit, and partly because she wanted to see her reaction.

Wednesday, 14th of February, 2024...

Beidou woke up to a loud knock on her cabin door. She opened it and saw a messenger from Ningguang, holding a large envelope.

"Happy birthday, Captain Beidou!" the messenger said, handing her the envelope. "This is from the Tianquan herself. She invites you to join her at the Jade Chamber for a celebration."

Beidou was stunned. She had never been invited to the Jade Chamber before, let alone by Ningguang. She wondered what the Tianquan wanted from her, and why she chose this day of all days.

She opened the envelope and found a letter and a ticket. The letter read:

"Dear Beidou,

I hope this finds you well. I am writing to wish you a happy birthday, and to invite you to join me at the Jade Chamber for a special occasion. I have prepared a feast for you and your friends, as well as a gift that I think you will appreciate. Please bring this ticket with you, and present it at the entrance of the Jade Chamber. I look forward to seeing you soon.



The ticket was a golden card with a picture of a dragon on it. Beidou recognized it as a rare and valuable item that could grant access to the Jade Chamber, the floating palace of the Liyue Qixing.

She was curious and intrigued by Ningguang's offer, but also suspicious and wary. She decided to accept it, but not without taking some precautions. She called her crew and told them to get ready. She also contacted some of her friends, such as Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Chongyun, and asked them to join her. She figured that if this was a trap, she would not go down alone.

She dressed up in her best outfit, grabbed her claymore, and headed to the harbor. There, she boarded a boat that would take her to the Jade Chamber. She was greeted by a friendly and polite staff, who checked her ticket and escorted her to a luxurious hall. There, she saw a long table filled with delicious food and drinks, and a banner that said "Happy Birthday, Beidou!"

She also saw Ningguang, sitting at the head of the table, smiling and waving at her. Next to her were Beidou's friends, who cheered and clapped when they saw her.

"Beidou, welcome to the Jade Chamber!" Ningguang said. "Please, join us. We have been waiting for you."

Beidou was speechless. She walked to the table and sat down, still in disbelief. She looked around and saw that everyone was happy and relaxed, as if they were having a normal party.

"What is this?" she asked. "What are you all doing here?"

"We're here to celebrate your birthday, of course!" Xiangling said. "And Valentine's day, too!"

"Valentine's day?" Beidou repeated. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, you know, it's a day of love and romance," Xingqiu said. "And we all love you, Beidou. You're our friend, our captain, our hero."

"Speak for yourself, kid," Beidou said, rolling her eyes. "I don't need any of that mushy stuff. I'm fine on my own."

"Oh, come on, Beidou. Don't be so stubborn," Chongyun said. "You deserve some happiness, too. You work so hard, and you're always there for us. You should let yourself enjoy this day."

Beidou felt a warm and fuzzy feeling in her chest. She realized that her friends were sincere, and that they really cared for her. She felt a surge of gratitude and affection for them. She smiled and nodded.

"Alright, alright. You win. I'll admit it. This is a nice surprise. Thank you, everyone. And thank you, Ningguang. This is very generous of you."

Ningguang returned her smile and raised her glass.

"It's my pleasure, Beidou. Happy birthday, and cheers!"

They all toasted and drank, and then began to eat and chat. Beidou enjoyed the food and the company, and felt more relaxed than she had in a long time. She laughed and joked with her friends, and even exchanged some compliments with Ningguang.

She thought that this was the best birthday she ever had, and that maybe Valentine's day was not so bad after all.

But the surprise was not over yet. After they finished the feast, Ningguang stood up and clapped her hands.

"Attention, everyone. I have one more thing to show you. Please, follow me."

She led them to another hall, where a large curtain covered a wall. She pulled a rope, and the curtain fell, revealing a huge painting.

It was a portrait of Beidou, in her full glory. She was standing on the deck of the Alcor, holding her claymore and looking at the horizon. Behind her, a storm was brewing, and lightning flashed in the sky. She looked fierce and majestic, like a true queen of the sea.

The painting was stunning and realistic, capturing every detail of Beidou's appearance and personality. It was a masterpiece of art, worthy of a museum.

Beidou gasped and stared at the painting, speechless. She felt a mix of emotions: awe, admiration, pride, and embarrassment.

She turned to Ningguang and asked:

"Is this... for me?"

Ningguang nodded and smiled.

"Yes, it is. It's your birthday gift. I commissioned it from one of the best painters in Liyue. I wanted to give you something that would honor your achievements and your spirit. I hope you like it."

Beidou was touched and overwhelmed. She did not know how to respond. She felt a tear roll down her cheek.

She hugged Ningguang and whispered:

"Thank you. Thank you so much. This is the most amazing gift I ever received. I don't know what to say."

Ningguang hugged her back and whispered:

"You don't have to say anything. Just accept it. You deserve it, Beidou. You're a remarkable woman, and a dear friend. Happy birthday, and happy Valentine's day."

They broke the hug and looked at each other, smiling. They felt a connection, a spark, a mutual respect and admiration.

They leaned in and kissed, softly and sweetly.

The others cheered and applauded, happy for them.

Beidou and Ningguang blushed and smiled, holding hands.

They looked at the painting, and then at each other.

They felt happy and content, as if they had found their perfect match.

They realized that this was not only the best birthday, but also the best Valentine's day they ever had.

And they lived happily ever after.

The end.

Birthday Book: A Special Story In Their BirthdaysWhere stories live. Discover now