Tuesday, 26th of March: Kamisato Ayato (Maryam Moshiri ft. Thoma)

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Maryam: Yes, as far as I can do, their marriage will happen in May. Surprise is in here too!


Tuesday, 26th of March, 2024...

Ayato and Thoma were sitting on the rooftop of the Kamisato Estate, gazing at the stars. They had just finished a long and exhausting day of dealing with the affairs of the Yashiro Commission and the Vision Hunt Decree, which was ended 3 years ago. They were tired of the endless conflicts and restrictions that plagued their homeland of Inazuma. They longed for a different life, a life where they could be free and happy.

"Ayato, do you ever wonder what the world outside Inazuma is like?" Thoma asked, breaking the silence.

"Sometimes, I do. I've heard stories of other lands, where people have different cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles. Where the sky is clear, the wind is gentle, and the earth is fertile. Where people can travel and explore without fear or oppression." Ayato replied, his voice wistful.

"Would you like to see those lands someday?" Thoma asked, his eyes shining.

"I would, but you know that's impossible. The Shogun has closed the borders of Inazuma, and no one can leave or enter without her permission. Even if we could, we would be hunted down as traitors and enemies. We have no choice but to stay here and serve our duty." Ayato said, his voice bitter.

(Sophie's Note: if we remember it right, Ei has opened the border of Inazuma once again with the endeavour of our distant cousin Traveler!)

"But what if we could? What if we had a way to escape this place and go to another world? A world where we could be ourselves, where we could love each other without hiding, where we could have a future together?" Thoma said, his voice hopeful.

Ayato looked at Thoma, his eyes softening. He loved Thoma more than anything in the world. He loved his smile, his warmth, his courage, his loyalty. He loved how he made him feel alive, how he made him forget his troubles, how he made him happy. He wanted to be with Thoma forever, but he knew that was a foolish dream. They were living in a cruel and unforgiving world, where their love was forbidden and doomed.

"Thoma, you know that's just a fantasy. There's no such thing as another world. There's no such thing as a way to leave Inazuma. There's no such thing as a happy ending for us." Ayato said, his voice sad.

"Maybe not, but maybe there is. Maybe there's a way to make our wish come true. Maybe there's a way to make our fantasy a reality." Thoma said, his voice determined.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small wooden box. He opened it and revealed a pair of earrings. They were shaped like stars, and they sparkled with a faint blue light.

"Ayato, do you remember these?" Thoma asked, holding the earrings in his palm.

Ayato gasped. He recognized them immediately. They were the earrings that he had given to Thoma as a gift on their first anniversary. They were made of a rare and precious material called Star Silver, which was said to have the power to grant wishes. Ayato had found them in a hidden cave during one of his missions, and he had kept them as a secret treasure. He had given them to Thoma as a symbol of his love and devotion.

"Of course, I remember them. They're the most precious thing I own. How did you get them?" Ayato asked, surprised.

"I borrowed them from your room. Don't worry, I'll return them later. I just wanted to show you something." Thoma said, smiling.

He put one of the earrings in his ear, and handed the other one to Ayato.

"Put this on, and listen carefully." Thoma said, whispering.

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