Night Fighting

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Nightingale kicked the burglar in the shin, watching him go down. The Protector, A.K.A Arez, punched him in the face, taking out a pair of handcuffs and attaching them to the criminal.

Him and Nightingale had been doing this for a month. They would sneak out of The Tower at night, doing a city sweep for criminals. Most of the time they were petty burglars. But one time it was Control Freak. They had found him right before he snuck into the game store.

That time they had been lucky. If he had tripped an alarm, The Titans would end up coming, noticing the two were not in their rooms.

Rhiannon had been smart enough to use a spell from her spell books to set up an aura in each room that would be notified as their own. And if someone knocked, she would get a mind notification, and could answer without actually being there. But if someone were to walk in? They would notice her absence.

Rhiannon tossed the man to the side, waiting for the police. When they showed up, Arez handed him off, taking his cuffs. The officers said their thanks, receiving a nod from each hero.

Arez took his hover board from his back, turning it on and stepping onto it. Rhiannon started levitating, her gaze on him. She noticed his hesitant stare at her, knowing something was wrong. She made a note to ask him when they had gotten back.

As they made their way home, she felt the knock notification. Instantly she responded, speaking in her mind.

I'm reading.

The intruder backed from the door and she felt them leave. As the two reached The Tower, Rhiannon started to feel dizzy.

Weird. That never happens.

Arez looked to her, raising a brow. She dismissed him, turning her gaze forward. She lifted her palm towards the window of her room, creating a blue portal.

She entered it, Arez in tow. He pressed a button on the front of the hover board, and it slowly went to the ground. Rhiannon touched the floor, her head beginning to ache.

What is this?

She took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. Arez faced her, pulling the hood of her cloak down. His voice was slightly worried, laced with concern.

"What's wrong, Rhiannon? I can hear your thoughts. You're actually voicing them quite loudly."

She sighed, looking at the floor as she spoke. His hand on her shoulder felt weird as she lied to him.

"I had a headache. I'm sure it's nothing, though. I'm probably just tired."

He rolled his eyes, seeing through the lie. He used the nickname he'd given her, knowing how much she hated it.

"You're a horrible liar, Princess."

Her head snapped up at the name. She eyed him through the mask, making sure her emotions were quite clear, teeth clenched.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that."

"As many times as it takes for you to realize I'm not gonna stop. Anyways, you went off topic. You were lying to me. What's really wrong?"

Rhiannon pulled out her sleep attire, no longer wanting to wear pajamas. She levitated a baggy red shirt and gray sweatpants to her bed.

Purposely ignoring him, she said her mantra and was shrouded in blue wispy magic. It formed her clothes on her, the uniform going to her closet.

Rhiannon walked to her personal bathroom, watching him follow. She brushed her semi-long, black hair, pulling it up into a messy bun. She used her spare hair tie to tie up her shirt so it fit. She brushed her teeth,rolling her eyes at him.

When she finished she stared at him, arms crossed over her chest.


She quipped, glaring at him, her blue eyes hard. He raised his brow, repeating her stance, leaning against the door frame.

"You're ignoring me."

"I am not! I was simply busy with more important things."

She said the last part with emphasis, trying to steer him away from her ignorance. He wouldn't fall into the trap, though.


She walked out of the bathroom setting herself down at her desk, pulling out her criminal files. She had copied her father's, and studied them. Her stubbornness that had stemmed from both parents wouldn't let her leave them be.


She asked as she scribbled something down on her evidence file. Arez watched, looking over her shoulder at the file.

They weren't officially dating, but they had had their fair share of kisses and sweet moments, even arguments that couples usually had, so he was sure it was insinuated.

"You're really stubborn, you know that?"

She nodded, facing him as she spoke.

"Blame my parents."

He scoffed, brushing a strand of hair out of her face with his gloved hand. She blushed slightly, looking away to hide her tinted cheeks.

"I'll be right back."

He stepped out of her room, going down the hall to his own. He was on the other side of Raven.

Arez went to his own closet, pulling out fleece black pants and a dark red t shirt. He pulled them on, throwing his uniform in the corner of the room.

Arez felt a sharp pain in his head, registering it as his bond with Rhiannon. She was in pain.

He rushed to her room, the door opening to his access code. She was at her desk, standing and holding her chair to keep from falling. Her eyes were closed, her mouth set in a slim line.


She looked towards him, eyes glazed with pain. She stepped towards him on shaky legs, falling to the ground.

Arez kneeled down next to her, helping her up. She leaned against him, her voice soft.

"I-I don't know what's wrong."

He shushed her, setting her on her bed. She was in a sitting position, her legs hanging over the side of the bed, her hands holding her head.

Her door opened and Raven came in, her eyes worried. She kneeled down in front of her daughter, speaking to her in a calm voice.

"Rhiannon? What's going on, honey?"

She inhaled sharply as her daughter looked at her, eyes full of pain, and wet with un shed tears.

"It hurts, mom."

Her voice was shaky, and she didn't dare look at Arez. He was standing back, allowing the pair space. Raven looked up at him, eyes full of trust.

"Can you carry her to the infirmary?"

He nodded quickly, picking her up bridal style, feeling her arms wrap around his neck. Raven led him to the room, motioning for him to set her down on the white sheet covered bed.

Rhiannon looked to her mother, scared. She saw her hook her up to a bunch of machines, feeling the sticky pads on her skin. She winced as her mother pierced her skin with an I.V filled with some sort of liquid. As she began to feel herself lose consciousness, she realized it was meant to make her pass out. The last thing she saw before going under was her dad, holding her other hand, speaking words to her that she couldn't make out.


So the first chapter of this was out earlier than I expected. I just couldn't keep myself from writing the first chapter!! But anyways, thanks for reading guys!!!

Stay Awesome,

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