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"I don't know...."

Rhiannon's answer surprised herself. How could she not know what they were? What she wanted? She had known this question would come, but she never thought it would surface so soon.

Arez loosened his grip on her, looking away from her as he spoke.

"You don't know?"

Rhiannon could feel the hurt in his words, his voice. She felt like an idiot, hurting him like that.

"I just....Arez I don't know, okay?"

He let her go, walking to the door, his posture stiff. She went after him, gripping his arm tightly.

"What are you doing?"

He didn't look back at her as the door swished open. He just took her hand off of his arm and walked to his room.

Rhiannon followed him, her eyes confused. She watched him walk to his bathroom, while she just stood there. Was he leaving? Because she didn't know what they were?

She felt her heart hurting as he came out in his uniform. He didn't even look at her as he retrieved his hover board from his back.


He stopped, but continued quickly soon after. He was opening the window when a small blast of energy flew past him, nearly hitting him, closing the window.

He turned around to face her, taking in her appearance. She had her palm facing the window, outstretched. Rhiannon slowly dropped her hand, her eyes sad and confused, her mouth in a very subtle frown.

"Please don't go...."

But he did. He crawled out of the window, turning on his hover board and zooming away, away from her and the Tower.


He didn't know where he was going, he just needed to leave for a little bit. He thought he had made himself pretty clear about what they were, but she just didn't know?

Arez sighed, realizing he was being stupid. He shouldn't have pushed this on her, she was confused, she wasn't sure. She wanted to be something, and so did he, but she was hesitant.

He hovered in the air, debating wether or not to go back and apologize. Arez made up his mind, turning around.

He was already in the city, but he knew he needed to go back. He was at the edge of the city when something hit him in the back of his ride, shaking it.

Arez fell off, falling towards the ground. He felt something grip his arm, preventing him from injuring himself.

He looked up, noticing he was safely on the ground. But as he looked to his left, he saw the dark figure leaning against the building next to them. Arez flinched as he realized who it was.


Red X walked towards his son, keeping his voice low and dangerous.

"Well, this is just perfect. You obviously ran away. What happened, they deny you because they know you're just gonna run back to daddy?"

Arez gritted his teeth, ignoring his jab as he spoke.

"What do you want?"

Red X laughed, mocking innocence.

"What? A father can't drop by to say hi to his favorite kid?"

"I'm your only kid."

"Whatever. You wanna know what I want? I want her. The bird kid. And you're gonna help me."

Arez fumed, not believing his father would try to use him to get Rhiannon.

"Even though the offer sounds so 'tempting', I'd rather not."

X scoffed, walking towards Arez. His son kicked him in the chest, sending X back a few steps. Red X huffed, propelling himself forward and deflecting all of Arez's moves.

When he had Arez's arm behind his back, he spoke, his voice confident.

"You forget I know you. I know all your moves. I taught you most of them. Now go, run back and plead innocent, son."

He pushed Arez forward, disappearing. Arez brushed himself off, scowling. He noticed his hover board to his right, and took flight. Away from his father and his past.

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