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She sat in the chair. Not knowing how long it had been. Surely it was longer than two days. It had felt like forever.

He had come in every hour with more painful intentions. He had burned her, kicked her, made her laugh to the point of insanity.

She flinched, unsure of when he would be coming back in. Her face was pale, her lip busted, burns on the smooth skin.

Her costume was burned in many places, the leg worst of all. No healing could be done. Nothing.

She licked her lips, the taste of blood invading her mouth. She was so broken. Her mind was tortured.

Rhiannon didn't bother to look up when she heard foot steps. She just waited for the familiar pulling of her hair.

When it didn't come, she became worried. What if it was something else?

She looked up, her breathing hitched as Harley stared back at her, a pair of scissors in her hand.

"Your hair is really long and pretty! But Puddin says it gets in the way, so off it goes!"

Rhiannon's eyes widened beneath her partially torn mask. She shook her head, her hair going along.


She pushed back with the chair, soon meeting the cement wall.

Harley giggled, tossing the scissors in the air and catching them.

"Sorry, sweetie. The locks are a leavin!"

She walked forward, grabbing Rhiannon's hair, positioning the scissors.

"Here's the deal. I like ya bangs, so those are gonna stay! But the back is gettin a little trim!"

Rhiannon pulled her head, trying to free herself, failing. Harley began cutting, the girl's hair falling onto the floor.

Rhiannon screamed and cried, moving the chair as her hair began to shorten.

By the end of the cutting, her hair was incredibly short. It reached a little bit passed her ears, barely there. Her bangs had stayed, but were given a trim so they matched the back.

"All done!"

Harley held up a mirror, letting Rhiannon see. The child looked away, crying hard.

"I don't know what Mr. J is plannin, but I do know he's gonna end ya! Maybe in front of Bat Brain, or maybe in front of your daddy! Oooh!"

She paused, clapping her hands and smiling at the thoughts invading her mind.

"Maybe he'll make both of them watch while he kills your mommy and you!"

Rhiannon bit her lip, wanting nothing more than to hear her parent's voices comforting her.

"Nobody is going to die, Harley."

She managed to say, her voice barely audible, her throat raw. Harley giggled, pressing a finger into the deep cut on her left arm.

Rhiannon let out a choked sob, not able to move. She twitched, clenching her teeth. The villainess leaned towards her, twisting her finger and speaking to the teen.

"Don't be so hopeful, Puddin isn't one to give up."

She wiped her finger on Rhiannon's face, laughing as she slammed the child's head against the concrete.

With that, Harley left, her steps light and her laughs bubbly.

Rhiannon clasped her hands together, wishing she could free her limbs from behind her.

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