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Rhiannon sat on her bed, tears streaming down her face, something on her nightstand shattering. Arez was gone because of her, because she had hurt him.

"God, what is wrong with me?"

She blew her nose, removing herself from the bed. There was a pint of black cherry ice cream on her nightstand, which she had stolen from Cyborg's freezer in his room after a half an hour of her just sitting there crying.

The rest of The Titans were on a mission, leaving just Rhiannon. She had snuck into Arez's room earlier and had stolen one of his shirts, finding comfort in it as she recognized his scent. He had always smelled like the outdoors. Like trees and fresh grass, and she loved it.

Rhiannon hadn't told her parents what had happened, he didn't want her dad to hurt Arez. So when Raven had knocked on her door to make sure she was okay after the whole spell thing, Rhiannon ended up telling her se was alright and that Arez had gone out.

Raven had tensed up, knowing Red X was out there. But her daughter ensured his safety, saying he had a communicator and that he had only gone to the edge of the island.

Luckily, Raven trusted her and had told her to call if anything bad happened. So now Rhiannon was there, in her room.

Rhiannon stumbled to her closet, fishing through the clothes to get to what she wanted.

She pulled on her costume, clasping her cloak, holding her mask in her hands.

Rhiannon sighed, placing it on her face securely. She didn't really care what her parents had to say, she was going out to fight some criminals. To take him off her mind.

Rhiannon made it to her window when something shifted behind her. She stiffened, turning around. Her eyes scanned the room, her empathy reaching out to pinpoint the thing.

When she recognized the aura, she let her guard down, letting the person hiding behind her dresser speak.

"You were crying?"

He asked, moving to lean against her dresser. He hadn't meant to make her so upset.


She lied, finding her lie pitiful herself. He had obviously seen her, obviously taken note of the streaks and redness on her face.

He raised a brow, shifting slightly. She really couldn't lie to him like that, the evidence was all over her room. Tissues, ice cream, books. Even one of his shirts she must have taken from his room.

"That's my shirt, Rhi. You're not a very good liar."

He lifted his hand slightly and pointed a finger towards said shirt on her bed. She looked over to the scene of the crime, sighing as her eyes caught sight of the black fabric.

She faced the window, keeping her voice emotion free and even.

"So what if I was crying? I'm a girl. We get emotional."

She felt more than heard his quiet chuckle.

"As you say that in monotone."

"Habit, I guess."

"Sure. You just don't want to feel embarrassed."

She felt her body tense. He was smarter than he let people think. She had underestimated him.  She responded nonchalantly, eyes closed.

"Why would I feel embarrassed?"

His response hit her hard, straight to her heart. It wasn't the way he said it, it was the fact that he was right.

"Because I saw you crying. Over me. Over a guy who you want to be something with, but are afraid to."

Rhiannon gripped the window sill for support as she felt her knees become weak. She looked down, calming her emotions.

"I'm right, aren't I?"

When she didn't answer him, Arez spoke again, now standing less than three feet away from her.

"Aren't I, Rhiannon?"

She gripped the wood harder, trying to keep herself from breaking down. She did want to be something with him. He was right. Her voice was small as she gave him an answer.


She closed her eyes, feeling him directly behind her. She didn't face him, she wouldn't. She did speak again though, louder this time, so she knew he could hear her.

"Yes. You're right...."

He placed a hand on her shoulder, his fingers squeezing lightly, as if to make her certain he was there.

"It's ok to feel, Rhi."

He said to her, knowing her emotions were running rampant. He could feel them through their connection, in his own mind.

"I know...."

She whispered, tapping into her mind. Happy and Love were dancing around each other in circles at his touch. Bravery was screaming at her to kiss him, and Knowledge was searching through a book, trying to find something smart to say. But she could find nothing.

Rhiannon decided to change the subject before she collapsed. She loosened her grip on the wood of the sill, his touch calming her. Her eyes opened, still facing the floor as the words left her mouth.

"I didn't think you'd come back."

Arez's eyes widened at her remark, confused that she would think such a thing. He used his free hand to grip her other shoulder, pulling her away from the window to face him.

Her breathing hitched as she looked into his brown eyes, seeing the concern and confusion in them. She felt her eyes travel to their shoes as he spoke to her.

"I realized I was being stupid. I couldn't leave you forever, just because you weren't ready."

Rhiannon felt his fingers grip her shoulders tighter, as if he was scared she'd disappear and leave him. Her emotions were back together now, after hearing his words. They had given her solace. She looked up slowly, his eyes staring into her own.

She felt her hands reach up, and before she knew it, she had pulled him into a hug. He was surprised, but leaned into her, his own arms resting on her shoulders lightly.

Her eyes were squeezed shut, and she bit her lip as she felt tears threaten to escape her eyes. She nuzzled her head in his shoulder, feeling his chin on the crown of her head.

She was falling for him, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

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