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"Remember when I cut your hair! Boy, Puddin sure was happy!"

Rhiannon huffed, gritting her teeth together as Harley twisted her wrist.

"Yes. It was only a couple days ago, Harley."

Harley giggled, turning her back on Rhiannon.

She grabbed her hammer behind her, bringing it down onto Rhiannon's leg with as much force as her body could muster.

The teen winced, but didn't cry out. She swallowed the lump in her throat and looked up at Harley with her good eye, the other one bruised and bleeding.

"How much longer do you expect me to live while you and your master continue to attack me?"

Harley held her hammer lovingly, leaning down to look into Rhiannon's eyes.

"Just long enough to torture your daddy's mind."

"Looks like I'll be here forever, then." She replied with no emotion in her voice, a small, blank smile on her face.

Harley raised a brow, placing the head of the hammer on the ground and leaning on it, testing the child before her.

"Are you really sure your father is that strong?"

Rhiannon shrugged, closing her eyes for a moment. Harley giggled manically, her voice thick with fake innocence, underlined with malevolence as she reached out and pulled on Rhiannon's short hair.

"Well, he's not. None of the birds are. That one named Jason proved it."

Rhiannon's eyes popped open, and she looked up at Harley in annoyance. The harlequin really thought that would break her?

"My father isn't Jason. And he isn't coming. You've set yourself up for disappointment."

Harley pulled on Rhiannon's short locks, bringing her foot up and pressing it onto her burnt leg.

"He's coming, if not him, then definitely that Bat."

Rhiannon smirked, her eyes flashing crimson for a moment.

She felt her anger bubble up a bit, but kept it in check. Now was the time.

"Harley." She bit out, waiting for the blonde to face her again.

When the villainess did, Rhiannon sprang from the chair, hands wrapping around the woman's throat.

Harley tried to scream, but her voice was cut off by the teen's hands.

She squeezed tightly, the force from her leap knocking both females to the ground.

Rhiannon kept her legs around Harley's waist, her knees digging into the woman's sides, her nails pinching her throat.

"Where's Joker?"

Harley clenched her teeth, refusing to answer. She didn't-couldn't give away her Puddin.

Rhiannon smiled, memories of hurting Harley coming back to her. Boy, it felt good.

"Tick tock, time is running out."

Rhiannon squeezed her throat harder, inhaling sharply at Harley's wheezing.


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