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She stepped out from her hiding spot, clearing her throat to get his attention. This would be a fair fight, at least in the beginning.

"Harley, I told you I'm busy!"

Rhiannon scoffed, her hand outstretched at him, the chair whirling around to face her.

"There's a very good chance your Harley is dead."

She put her hand down, staring into his eyes, feeling the evil radiating off of his body.

His smile spread across his face, his eyes sparkling at her. He pulled out a knife, tsking at her as he spoke.

"You really think you can beat me, little Bird?"

She growled, her eyes flashing red for a moment, her hands twitching at the madman in front of her.

"I don't think, I know."

Joker laughed manically, his smile wider than usual. He stood, waving his knife in the air, staring at her with a venom in his eyes.

Rhiannon felt Rage try to escape, but she held her emotion down, letting Bravery steal the show.

"You're just a lonely little clown with no life. I won't have any trouble kicking your ass."

With that insult, the clown came flying forward, his knife ready to cut into the child.

Rhiannon easily dodged his attacks, her own twice as damaging.

She managed to throw him across the room a couple of times, his laughs annoying her greatly.

But he kept getting up, coming back for more.

"You can't beat me! I'm too strong, too happy!"

Rhiannon scowled at him, raising her hand and aiming at him. He was blasted with a shot of dark energy that pushed him up, spearing through his chest and making him hit the ceiling.

She didn't let him hit the ground. Instead, she let him fall into the energy, and then crushed his body, like a twig.

She smiled in satisfaction at the crunching sound, his limp body dropping to the ground.

She walked towards him, crouching down to stare at his mangled form.

His arms were broken, she could tell. There was a hole in his chest from her energy, and it looked as through someone had burn him through the hole.

She didn't know she had such power. It was great enough to kill two people, and yet she was still fully charged.

His nose was bleeding, and it mixed in with the blood coming from his forehead and mouth.

She held him by his shirt, lifting his head off the ground a few inches.

He spoke, his voice raspy and weak.

"You can't get the last laugh. It's not fair...." He paused and swallowed harshly, "to me. To Harley."

A tear fell from his eye, and Rhiannon was surprised. This man could actually feel? He had emotions?

She shook her head, refusing to feel anything for him. Well, more like, not able to feel anything for him.

"Life isn't fair, in case you haven't noticed. If it was, I would be in my bed right now, reading. But I'm not. Instead I'm here, with you. Well, now you and Harley can rot in hell together forever."

She took his head in both her hands, laughing and staring straight into his eyes. It was an empty laugh, but it was made to make him suffer.

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