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{hope you guys enjoy chapter one. im not gonna be annoying and set goals of how many votes/comments this story needs to get an update, i don't give a shit, i will update when i want. :)))

this is an au so their personalities and stuff like that won't be like theirs IRL, basically only their name and face are the same.

sorry if there is a lot of errors ill do my best to edit it, but i just got a new touchscreen laptop and im getting used to it. okay bye for real now!}


I was sleeping peacefully until I was brutally woken up my my mother's voice. I checked the clock and it read 1:37 PM. Although she was far away, my mom had the loudest and most agitating voice. The kind that makes your ears spike in pain.

I groan loudly, hoping she can hear my discomfort from where she is. "What do you want?" I trudge down the stairs, my headache only getting worse.

"Don't talk to me like that, I've had it with your attitude recently!" She barks, and I frown at her. Before I could speak, she does it for me.

"You forgot to get your sister from soccer practice, and her friend had to take her home. You need to start getting your act together!"

"I do have my act together mom! I don't know what you're talking about." I crossed my arms across my chest and she looked at me with disgust.

"You smell, like you haven't taken a shower in days and you have worn the same pajamas for a week. Ever since summer started you've been a hermit! When's the last time you even went outside?"

I scoffed, leaning against the counter. "Um, excuse you, I do go outside! I, uh, took the trash out yesterday! Also, I don't need to shower if I'm not going anywhere."

"Honey, trust me. If anyone needs a shower more, it's teenage boys. You're one of them. And, taking the trash out doesn't count. When was the last time you properly slept?" She asked, and I struggled to remember a time this summer when I had gotten at least 7 hours of sleep at a time.

"Oh, nuh uh, don't try to tell me that I don't sleep, because I do! I slept well last Thursday. So there."

She rolls her eyes. "Staying up until 8 am then sleeping until 7 pm does not count. Now, go get in the shower. As punishment, you're taking your little sister Amber and her friends to the mall." She smiles at me with an evil look and leaves the room and I groan, stomping upstairs like a grouch. I dislike my mother sometimes.

This happens every summer. After the last day of school, my life basically starts to fall apart and I become anti-social, and I am totally okay with it. I have no friends or desires in life anyway, so what better way to spend it on the internet, sleeping, or eating? My mom always ushers me to go out, but what she doesn't understand is that I have no one to do stuff with. I'll look lame doing stuff by myself.

After taking a quick shower, I get dressed in a clean white shirt with a floral pocket and black skinny jeans with Vans. I also brushed my Mohawk styled hair, it was currently pink. Hell yeah, I look good.

I grabbed my wallet that has my debit card that has $400 on it, my license, and my school ID. I take the ID out and snap it in half, throwing it in the trash. I don't need it anymore, school is over. The reason why I have a high amount of money is because I never really go out and do stuff, or buy things for that matter, so my allowance just adds up. Both of my parents also have good paying jobs, so they can afford to give me money every week without it being an issue.

When I walk back downstairs, I see my younger sister and two of her friends with them standing at the door, waiting for me I assume. Her friends giggled at me and waved, and I just shook my head and started to walk out the door after the kids, but Mom stopped me as they climbed in my car.

"Please try to make friends, honey. I know it's hard, but your lifestyle, whatever you want to call it, isn't healthy. You need human interaction. I'm pretty sure you don't want to be stuck with your sister and her friends the whole time. Now, go, they're waiting for you." She kissed my cheek and shooed me out the door. I sighed, climbing into my car. My sister was in the front seat and her friends in the back.

How does my mom expect me to make friends at the mall? You don't randomly just go up to someone and start talking to them...

Amber reached for the radio and I smacked her hand away. "I don't think so." I told her and she rolled her eyes. I plugged the auxiliary cord in and played My Chemical Romance. Her friends made faces and I looked at them through the mirror.

It's going to be a long day.

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