45 | The Dinner Party

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Kavya and Aman found themselves seated at this huge table at the side of the other one where Binita sat with her crew of gossiping aunties. Aman's fork relentlessly attacked his food. Kavya, observant as ever, couldn't resist a teasing remark.

She chuckled, her voice softening the edges of the tension. "You know, crushing that fork won't solve anything. Spill it, Aman. What's really bothering you?"

Aman glanced at her, the frustration in his eyes mirroring the conflict in his heart. "It's Vedika. I saw her dancing with Arjun, and it bothers me. I can't shake this feeling that something is off."

Kavya leaned forward, her gaze steady. "Aman, I understand your concern for Vedika, but she's not a child anymore. She can make her own decisions."

Aman sighed, pushing his plate away, his appetite lost to the storm within. "It's not about treating her like a child. It's about Arjun. I don't trust him."

Kavya tilted her head, a thoughtful expression on her face. "You don't trust Arjun, or you don't trust Vedika's judgment?"

He looked at her, a mix of both emotions simmering beneath the surface. "Maybe a bit of both. Arjun is rough, and Vedika... she sees the good in everyone, even when it might not be there."

Kavya's gaze softened, understanding the complexity of sibling concern. "You're worried about your sister, I get it. But, Aman, you need to trust her judgment. Arjun might not be everyone's cup of tea, but he's not a villain."

Aman ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "It's not about whether Arjun is a villain or not. It's about Vedika trusting people too easily. She doesn't see the rough edges. I just don't want her to get hurt."

Kavya reached over, placing a reassuring hand on Aman's. "Aman, you're a great brother, but Vedika is stronger than you think. And Arjun... he might surprise you."

He looked at her, a hint of skepticism in his eyes. "You seem pretty sure of that."

Kavya leaned in, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. "I've observed Arjun. He might have a tough exterior, but there's something about him that Vedika sees. Maybe you should talk to him."

Aman grunted, clearly not thrilled about the idea. "Me? Talk to Arjun? That sounds like a recipe for disaster."

And as Aman made that very statement, Vedika slipped into their table, flanked by Divya and Nishaant. She took her seat beside Kavya, casually inquiring, "Disaster recipes about what?" Kavya, seizing the opportunity, glanced at Aman, waiting for him to spill the beans. Aman, however, shook his head.

Kavya, never one to back down, raised an eyebrow challengingly and cleared her throat. Turning to Vedika, she said, "Aman is bothered about you and Arjun."

Vedika, taken aback, shot Aman an amused look and burst into laughter. "You can't be serious."

Aman, undeterred by Vedika's disbelief, pressed on. "Serious about what? Serious that you and Arjun are in some secret relationship that I don't know about, or serious about the fact that my sister has fallen for a guy with all the anger issues of the world?"

Vedika's eyes widened in disbelief. "What the hell? There's nothing between us. Why would you even think that way? Arjun and I are nothing."

Nishaant and Divya couldn't help but chuckle collectively. Vedika, feeling the need to defend her stance, turned to the duo. "What is wrong with you all? Arjun and I are incompatible. We don't give out any hints."

Divya, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, leaned in and said, "We all saw what happened on the dance floor. All of us." Vedika's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Divya continued, "I mean, you and Arjun looked like you were auditioning for a fifty shades movie. It was hard to miss."

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