25 | The Fashion Show

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"WHERE DO YOU think you're going?"

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"WHERE DO YOU think you're going?"

I instantly turn to see Aman standing with raised eyebrows. "Don't even try running away."

"Aman, I can't do this." I sigh, covering my face with my hands.

"Yes," He holds my arms lightly, taking them away from my face. "You can. I know."

I shake my head, looking around adamantly in panic. "No, Aman. I'm sorry but no. Please tell Vedika sorry from my side. Tell her I gave up. I can't do this."

"Kavya, I don't know what you think of yourself but here's what I do. You're smart, beautiful and one of the most understanding girls I've ever known. You've been an amazing friend to many of us. And I don't know if you know this but since the time you've stepped into this college, Zivah and Vedika are not entirely, but kind of, on talking terms right now. They couldn't even bare each other's presence in one room before. But now they do. Because of you—"

"No, Aman. I'm not a good friend. Stop saying that. I'm running away. Are you even hearing me? I'm running away. I'm ditching Vedika last minute just because I'm anxious to be on stage in front of so many people. I'm selfish. I'm kind of ruining all that she has worked hard for. At this point, I don't even think I deserve to be her friend," I whisper, as tears threaten to fall my eyes. "Actually, I don't deserve to be friends with anyone."

Aman looks at me with a blank face. "Fine. Go," He says moving from my way.

I look at him with a questioning face.

"Kavya Patel, go if you want to. At the end of the day, it's your decision to make. So if you've already decided that you're leaving, then do so. But remember one thing," he points to the direction where the event was going on, "all the friends that you've made, all the times you've laughed with them and every single time they've helped you, will all come to an end. You'll fall in their eyes. Think about how much Divya means to you. She never had friends before stepping into this college. Just like you. But she still accepted you happily on the first day of college. If she can be a good friend to you, then so can you."

He continues, "I know you think that this isn't you. That 'Kavya Patel' does not do ramp walks. But for all I know is that 'Kavya Patel' never ditches on her friends. People are gonna be everywhere, Kavya. You need to stop paying any heed to them. They're gonna talk behind you're back. But hey, they're behind for a reason, aren't they? So stop overthinking and just go there and do your thing."

I stare at him, biting my lip. I was suddenly unable to speak. "You-...you really think I can do this?"

"Yes, you got this," He says squeezing my arms gently. "Go now, I don't want my sister to be losing because of you." He says, making me chuckle.

The next thing I did was something I never ever expected myself to do.

I went on my heels and kissed him without thinking.


"Oh my god, Kavya. Where the hell were you? For a minute, I thought you freaked out and ran away," Vedika says, hyperventilating. I look down to see her in a glittery lilac gown. She looked perfect. Just like always.

"I'm here. Aren't I?" I give her a slight smile before taking the first position in the queue.

Guess what? I was the first person to start. Surprise! Not. Seriously, not.

"Evening ladies and gentlemen," the voice from speaker echoes, getting a large cheer from the audience. "As we begin, I'd like to welcome Heena Mantri's group of models."

The next fifteen minutes loud music pounded as Heena's group members walked on the ramp. After that, when the music stopped, I took a long breath for what I knew was coming next.

It was our turn.

"Best of luck," Divya whispers from next to me. And before I knew it, she pushed me forward on the runaway. I froze as camera and bright lighted flashed across my eyes.

I instantly moved forward with the beat of the music. Breathing was kind of a difficult task right now but I tried to concentrate more on the tempo of the beats in my head.

When I reached the extreme end of the runaway, I posed and smiled. My eyes moved, searching for a familiar face in the crowd. When they stopped at the person I was looking for, my face brightened. Aman waved at me making me smile.

Then when I moved my gaze around, I saw Arjun and Dhruv at the very far away from the crowd. I squinted my eyes to see them hoping on a jeep with duffle bags as they drove away.

Suddenly, I realise that I'm in the middle of a show and I need to turn and walk out of the runway and I do so.

But one question keeps running in my mind. Where the hell were Arjun and Dhruv going this late on an event night?

 Where the hell were Arjun and Dhruv going this late on an event night?

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