Part 4: I really do like him.

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Sanemis Pov-

"Shinazugawa-San are you sure you are alright. You don't look so good." Tomioka tried to look at me but I turned my head the other way so he didn't see my face.

"Im fine okay, so stop fucking asking." I told him with an annoyed voice so he leaves me the fuck alone.

"Oh okay, just asking." Tomioka stopped looking at me and he was staring at the ground.

I looked at Tomioka and he looked sad.

'Why do I feel bad about what I said? What is going on with me?' I thought to myself.


Time skip to a month

Sanemi's Pov-

Tomioka and I are at the mall together for the third time this week. This is so annoying. I don't want to be hanging out with this stupid loner.

"Shinazugawa-san are you okay you look mad." Tomioka said and stopped in his tracks, but I guess I never heard him because I kept walking.

"Shinazugawa-San." He grabbed onto my arm and I got out of my thoughts.

"What do you want, Tomioka." I turned to look at him.

"I was asking if you were okay, because you weren't responding to what I was saying." Tomioka loosened his grip on my arm

"Im fucking fine I was just thinking of something. Now hurry the fuck up I want to get food." I rolled my eyes at him and I started walking.

"Oh, okay." Tomioka said quietly. Hearing him talk like that made me feel bad for what I said.


Timeskip to after the mall

Sanemis Pov-

"Ma, me and Genya are home." I yelled out to my mom and headed up to my room.

—incoming text—


(Tomioka) 'Hi Shinazugawa-San, I hope you had a good day.'

(Sanemi) 'It was fine. I hope you had a good day too.'

—End of conversation—

At the mall I got to know a little more of Tomioka. It was fun talking to him. What Tomioka said was very inter—



Timeskip to a month

Sanemi's Pov-

I woke up to a text from Tomioka.

—incoming text—


(Tomioka) 'Good Morning Shinazugawa-San. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later today at my house?'

(Sanemi) 'Yeah sure, what time?'

(Tomioka) 'I was thinking around 12? But if you can't then anytime you can it is fine.'

(sanemi) 'No, that works perfectly. See you then.'

(Tomioka) 'okay :)'

(Sanemi) ':)'

—End of conversation—

No ones Pov-

Lately Sanemi and Giyuu have been hanging out more and getting to know each other more.

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