Part 11: Never before had I wanted to say so much, but said so little.

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Tw: Suicide mentions, Alcohol mention, abuse mention.

Time skip 3 years later

December 19, 2022.

They are both 21

(Sanemi moved out he has his own apartment at 19)

(Giyuu still lives with his parents)

(Sanemi and Giyu works)

No ones Pov-

The lights were too bright and Sanemi's head was pounding. Everything was blurry but he remembered.

He was in the bathroom puking everything he drank up, his chest was hurting from all the alcohol he drank, why was he in the bathroom again?

Right, because of the man that came to visit him earlier.

The man he couldn't call his dad anymore.

Sanemi groaned at the fact that he couldn't do anything.

Sanemi's dad came to visit him. He was ringing the doorbell and pounding on the door while Sanemi watched T.V.

He went to answer the door not knowing who it was.

He opened the door to see his so-called 'dad'.

A muscle in Sanemi's jaw Twitched. He didn't wanna see his so called 'Dad'

"What do you want?" Sanemi told him.

"You know what I want so hurry up I have places to be." Kyogo said.

"Im fucking done giving you money." Sanemi raised his voice at his 'dad'.

"Don't fucking raise your voice at me." Kyogo raised his fist and hit Sanemi in the face, and he fell to the floor.

"Who the fuck raised you to have no manners." Kyogo said again.

"Well you certainly didn't raise me." Sanemi stood up.

"You would be fucking dead without me." His jaw clenched

"Yeah, that would have been better than living right." Sanemi chuckled.

"You are such a fucking disgrace. Luckily I left your mom and siblings, now that fucking shame won't be brought on me." Kyogo pushed Sanemi out of the way and entered his house.

"Don't fucking talk about my Mom and siblings. You wasn't there so you don't fucking know anything. Get the fuck out of my house you piece of shit." Sanemi rushed into his apartment trying to get Kyogo out.

"Don't talk like that to me you fucking disgrace." Kyogo punched Sanemi and he fell to the floor.

"If you weren't born I wouldn't have left your mom or even thought about laying a hand on her, but here you are. This is your fault for all this shit, and for your mom wanting to end her life." Kyogo yelled at him.

Kyogo started kicking Sanemi in the stomach. After a while Sanemi passed out and Kyogo tore up his apartment to look for money.

After 5 minutes he found the money and left.

Sanemi finally started to wake back up. His whole body ached from the pain.

He stood up and started limping to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and grabbed out a bottle of Soju.

He started drinking it, and drinking it. After he downed the bottle he went back and grabbed another.

He wanted to drink away the pain that was in his body and mind. Even though he knew it was wrong he didn't know what else to do.

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