Authors note

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The last chapter was the end of this story. I am very grateful for all the views and love this story is getting, and thank you everyone for reading this or planning on reading this.

I made this story for fun and because I wanted to practice my writing skills, I didn't expect it to get this much love.

I will be taking a break before making any other stories, and I don't know how long of a break I will be taking.

I will need to plan everything out but so far I have a plan on what it will be about. It will take me a while for the first chapter to come out because winter break is over and I am going back to school sadly. So I don't have a plan of when it will come out and I also don't know when I will be able to start making it.

Anyway once again thank you for all the love and encouragement throughout this, because without all the comments I don't think I would have finished it.

This is a bye for now...

See You Later. (Sanegiyuu)Where stories live. Discover now