Bonus Chapter (Genmui): Opposites attract right?

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No ones Pov-

Genya and Muichiro first met in middle school. They never spoke to each other before until Shinobu asked Giyuu to hang out with her friend group.

Giyuu decided to bring Muichiro along. Sanemi also ended up going and he brought Genya along with him.

When they both arrived at Tengens house where they all were hanging out, Muichiro and Genya made eye contact.

They didn't utter a word to each other for a couple of hours, until they finally got bored and decided to talk about school.

They both had some classes together so they kinda had something to bond about for a while.

About an hour passed by and they ran out of things to talk about. So Genya decided to talk about some other things, including video games, Music and Animals.

They were exactly the opposite of eachother, but they still bonded over small things.

They kept talking about different things and they ended up having fun talking to each other.

After the hangout they exchanged numbers and started texting each other.

When they both arrived at school they decided to sit by each other when they could and decided to talk about random things.

They started getting closer to each other by the day. Finally Genya decided to introduce Muichiro to his closest friends.

He invited Muichiro over for lunch to hang out with his friends and get to know them.

Muichiro started being a part of Genya's friend group.

After two years of Genya and Muichiro being friends, one of them started catching feelings for the other.

But sadly he didn't really understand his feelings for the other person, so they kept it to themselves.

After a couple of months he finally realized why they had been feeling like that for his friend.

He didn't know how to handle their new feelings so he decided it was best to keep it quiet so they don't ruin his friendship with their friend, because he doesn't know how they would react if he told them.

But he didn't know that they also started catching feelings for him.

After some time of them keeping their feelings hidden they were already going into high school.

Genya finally mustered up the courage to ask out Muichiro.

Genya grabbed both of Muichiros hands and looked them in their eyes with sincerity and honesty.

Of course he was a blushing mess, they both were.

Genya finally spoke up. "Muichiro, I liked you for almost a year now. I didn't know what to tell you at first and I was scared to tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but now I am willing to take that chance."

There was a red tint spreading across both of their faces. When Muichiro heard Genya say that, their eyes widened and they were in shock.

"Muichiro, will you go out with me?" Genya added on.

Muichiro stood there in shock not knowing what to say. Genya started getting scared and started wondering if he made a mistake.

Muichiro finally told him, "Yeah of course I would love to go out with you." Muichiro told him with a huge smile on their face.

They've now been dating since the start of freshman year which has been almost 7 months.

They both hang out everyday and call everyday. They play Video games till the sun rises on weekends.

Even though they both are the opposite of each other they are a perfect match. I guess Opposites attract, right?


Authors note

Heyyyy pookies, I wanted to kinda add a filler and add more Genmui to this story so I made this bonus chapter to make it kinda make more sense and why I don't really mention them in the story. I thought this chapter was very cute and I enjoyed making it. I also might add a couple more Genmui chapters to this story. Also I might add a bonus chapter at the end. 

Word count: 635

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