Part 10: Lets dance this night away.

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No ones Pov-

It's been a full year and the four are finally graduating.

"Are you guys excited to graduate in like 3 days!" Mitsuri yelled out to the four boys.

"Yeah Kanroji-San, are you gonna come to the after party?" Sabito asked her.

"Yeah, of course. Also Uzui-San said he will host it at his house.!" Mitsuri squealed.

"Okay." The four boys said in unison.

"I can't believe we are graduating in a bit." Giyuu said while looking up at the sky.

"Yeah I know." Sanemi replied.

They both stare up at the sky admiring the light blue and the fluffy clouds.

"Sanemi, do you want to hang out after school?" Giyuu asked him while still admiring the sky.

"Yeah." Sanemi turned his head to look at Giyuu.

"Ewww stop acting lovey dovey." Obanai said pretending to puke.

"Shut up Obanai." Sanemi said flustered.

"Whatever simp." Obanai playfully rolled his eyes.

The group walked into the school building.


Timeskip to math class.

No ones Pov-

Math class is one of the classes Obanai, Sabito, Sanemi and Giyuu have together.

The four of them sit at the same table because they didn't have assigned seatings.

"Giyuu, how do you do this?" Sabito whispered to Giyuu.

"How tf would I know, I'm almost failing this class." Giyuu replied playfully.

"Omg you guys are stupid." Sanemi said, rolling his eyes.

"Okay then explain it to me." Giyuu said.

"Okay fine, you do this." Sanemi said, showing Giyuu what to do.

Giyuu wasn't focusing on what Sanemi was saying because he was admiring Sanemi. How beautiful his hair looked and how soft it looked.

Giyuu extended his arm to touch Sanemis hair. Giyuu was playing with his white hair. Twirling it with his fingers.

"Giyuu, focus on what i'm saying." Sanemi told him with a light blush spreading across his face.

"Stop acting lovey dovey we are in class, dummies." Obanai said scoffing.

"Whatever." The couple said.


After school.

No ones Pov-

After school Sanemi and Giyuu met up at the school gate to hang out with each other.

"So what are we doing Giyuu?" Sanemi asked while holding Giyuu's hand

"I was thinking of hanging out at my house for a bit." Giyuu said and dragged Sanemi to his house.

"Yeah okay, I haven't been to your house in like two weeks." Sanemi said and followed Giyuu.

After the two reached Giyuus house they walked into his house and took off their shoes and headed up stairs.

"Did you change your room?" Sanemi went to sit on Giyuu's bed.

"Is that a goldfish?" Sanemi asked and pointed to the small fish tank.

"Yeah, I changed my room around last week, and I bought a fish." Giyuu went to lay down by Sanemi.

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