Chapter 9- A Night Out

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"Katie, do I really have to dress up?"

"Yes, I'm making you, because on your birthday I never got to hang out with you but for cupcakes. Now we are going to go to the club and grind on some hot guys. It'll be fun!"

"Better yet, while we're at it lets bring one home and have a threesome!" I joke sarcastically.

"That's the spirit!" she says. I roll my eyes and look at the material of clothing she has in her hands. In her left hand she has a super mini mini skirt with a leather strapless top. and in her right hand she has a strapless skintight red dress that has a slit through the bust that goes down to far for my pleasing but the dress itself doesn't. "Try both out fits on, NOW!" she yells throwing them at me with a pair of black 5 inch heels.

"Okay, Okay."

I try on the miniskirt with the leather top first. Putting on the heels I stand up and look in the mirror. If only my dad could see me now. I'd be dead and half way to hell in two minutes.

Walking out Katie stares at me looking me up and down. She turns her head every which way assessing my every move. Finally she says something.

"I like it on you but I think it would look great on me so thank you model. Go change into the dress, give me the clothes, and then we're leaving." I'm used to things like that.

Changing into the dress I stare again into the mirror. It looks great through the bust to my surprise. I don't like the cleavage but it makes me look sexy and intimidating. I LOVE IT!

I make my way over to Katie tapping her on the shoulder. As she turns we look over each other.


"Uh Thanks? And your right that outfit does look better on you than it did me." I say honestly. I truly does. She just has the natural body type for it.

"Thanks Ryan! Now lets go get us some sexy men!" She says, Thank god my parents aren't home.

After first period I had managed to avoid my mates for the rest of the day. Chase was following me through the halls after lunch so I ran into the girls bathroom. He wouldn't dare go in there after lunch. Too much drama. All the breakups and Gossip happen and its too much for any guy to handle. It was almost too much for me. I sat in it big stall almost pulling my hair out just listening to it.

I hope Jake and Chase get over my note and behavior quickly though. I wish they would just tell me what I already know and have them be honest for once.


Arriving at the only werewolf club in town that the grownups don't know about, me and Katie make our way to the door.

The bouncer doesn't even ask for ID's. He just looks at you and decides if your worthy enough to be in the club or not. It's cool with me though because I always get in. Me and the bouncer are on good terms. We even have our own handshake because I come here so much.

Getting up to the door we do our handshake and he opens the door for me and Katie smiling while doing it. I nod with thanks.

Once in the club the lights are flashing, the music is blaring. People are dancing and grinding on each other while making out on the dance floor.

"We should get a drink!" I yell over at Katie next to me. When I look over though she's gone. I search the room and find her grinding on some guy from the Dark rise part of the pack.

On my own now I walk over to the bar and ask for my usual. I'm not an alcoholic. The bartender just happens to be Ben.

"Come here alone?" he asks.

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