Chapter 2- I Couldn't Care Less

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Then bell rings signalling that the school day is finally over. I grab my stuff and head to my locker. Of course Jake is waiting for me.

"Happy birthday!" He says for the millionth time today.

"That phrase has gotten so old today."

"Good, that's what I was going for."

"Your an idiot."

He puts a hand to his heart in feign hurt. "Ry, that's hurts me down deep." I laugh.

"Are you going to let me get into my locker or not?" I ask because he's leaning with one foot behind him against my locker.

"Oh, uh, yeah." He awkwardly steps to the side. "I'll go get a cart from the office so you don't have to carry anything." Before I can object he's off and heading to the office. The hallway is cleared by now. Although I smell that strong scent of aftershave and mint again.

Turning towards my locker I grab my books for homework and shove them into my school bag. Before I know it, someone pins me up against the locker beside me. My elbow takes most of the blow though. The person's hand is on my shoulder pinning me there. Sparks go up my shoulder. It's my mate. That explains the strong scent of aftershave and mint.

I look up to see an angry, Chase, staring down at me then he speaks. "I, Alpha Chase Worth, reject you Ryan Dover, as my mate!" He practically yells at my face.

I can't help but laugh. He gives me an odd look. This alpha needs taught a little lesson. "I Couldn't Care Less!" I yell back mocking him. After, I just laugh again. His face is priceless.

I, being a strong warrior for my pack, just pull his arm away from my shoulder and then get back to getting my stuff out of my locker. Chase still stands there confused. I honestly don't know what he expected but I guess it wasn't that.

I'm fine with not having a mate. I never wanted one anyway. Especially Chase. Gross! He's the schools manwhore. Just then Jake comes back with the cart.

"Hey Ry, I had to settle with this one. But I think it's big enough. Anyways."

"Thanks Jake."

"Yup." Then he looks over my shoulder. "Chase, are you okay?"

I turn to see Chase still standing in the same spot but now his face is all screwed up with confusion and anger.

"I'm fine. Why would you care anyway!?" He says.

"Sorry, man. Just being polite to the alpha of another pack."

"Shut up, Jake, this is all your fault!" Chase says emphasizing his name angrily.

"Don't tell him to shut up! Go take your anger somewhere else, Chase! It's not welcome around me!" I argue. Both boys look at me in disbelief.

Chase turns and storms out in the other direction of the hallway. Finally that jerk is gone.

"What was that all about, whats my fault?"

"I'll tell you later."


"Thanks for the help with the gifts, I appreciate it."

"Anything I can do for my favorite birthday girl!" Jake says grabbing the small gifts from the back seat of his truck. I roll my eyes.

"Your a handful."

"I thought I was more to you than just a handful." I laugh

"Shut up and help me bring these inside."

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